Saturday, April 08, 2023

Easter Message

 Nudity is the costume of lovers and corpses.


"We may feel helpless and discouraged before the power of evil, the conflicts that tear relationships apart, the attitudes of calculation and indifference that seem to prevail in society, the cancer of corruption, the spread of injustice, the icy winds of war," he said.

At Easter vigil, Pope Francis encourages hope amid 'icy winds of war'

Pope, Reagan were Cold War allies

The moral of forgiveness: “We should find ourselves ever open to changing our minds about people and their actions” Message of note »

Let’s in never ever  forget:

Ben Ferencz, last living Nuremberg prosecutor, dies at 103

At 27, he prosecuted Nazis for more than 1 million deaths in perhaps the largest murder case in history

Russian propaganda channel RT Frances goes bankrupt

Russia is Totalitarian Stalinist and Fascist

Take Medvedev's latest rant seriously. Underneath the unhinged hyperbole is a coherent commitment to the complete destruction of the Ukrainian nation that's neither new, nor his alone. You cannot negotiate a compromise w a modicum of credibility when this is Ru's goal.

Medvedev calling Ukrainians “blood-sucking parasites” from an “unterukraine.” Not even bothering to hide the fascist rhetoric. Abominable.

The return of the F-word, and the laziness of labeling Russia fascist

Why You Should Aim For $2 Million For Retirement Seeking Alpha

Dusty book collections make us think of brilliant authors toiling in charming, candlelit chambers. But the story of rare books has a dark side as well  dark sideb »

Mark my words: any young person who Republicans wanted to persuade before today is gone. They will not vote for Republicans. They see right through what they're trying to do. Today, Republicans lost an entire generation. I hope Republicans are proud of themselves.

The Easter message is: if this is really the world we hope for, then we are not heading in the right direction. George Browning

The Phantom of the Opera is “a self-described ugly virgin who plots violent attacks on the public from his basement.” Why did anyone ever like the play? phantom  »

“While we can detect gravitational waves, find water on Mars, and grow human organs, we still can’t claim a complete understanding of how our noses work” Aroma of mystery