Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Cardiff flat owner gets tax bills for 11,000 Chinese firms

Experts sound Gong on Chinese money-laundering in Australian property market

The recent bust of a Sydney-based money laundering syndicate and the story of a charming Chinese criminal brought down by New Zealand authorities highlight the need for Australia to catch up on global anti-money laundering regulations reports Callum Foote.

When Dylan Davies went to check his post last November, 580 brown envelopes fell to the floor.

Over the next six months he got tax bills for 11,000 Chinese companies after they fraudulently used his Cardiff address to register for VAT.

"It's been horrendous," said Mr Davies, who got letters from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) demanding tax amounting to £500,000. 

HMRC admitted the situation did not raise alarm bells at the tax office.

"You'd think there'd be a systems with the technology today that would have picked it up immediately," Mr Davies said.

Cardiff flat owner gets tax bills for 11,000 Chinese firms

#20yrsago Email “bullying” favors bosses https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/2902777.stm

The Active Management Delusion: Respect the Wisdom of the Crowd Enterprising Investor. But not, it seems, for capital investment. Honestly, could sortition be worse?

Putin is afraid of the internet. Afraid to use a cellphone. Is increasingly isolated for his decision to waste resources on his disastrous attempt to invade #Ukraine. Oh, and committed war crimes. So says a defecting member of Putin’s elite security team.

Gleb Karakulov

The headlines this week have assured readers that a financial meltdown is not imminent — while raising the alarming possibility that the opposite might be true. While wondering which headlines, exactly to trust, it is instructive to go back to the biggest meltdown of them all — the Great Crash of 1929 — and see how the papers handled it. Fortunately, we have this prime example for sale for $48 on eBay, a Chicago Tribune from Wednesday, October 23, 1929, which reassuringly told readers, “Stock Market Will Recover, ‘Doctors’ Think.” 

It sounded great at the time. The very next day, October 24, would become known as “Black Thursday,” which saw the largest sell-off of shares in history and helped launch the Great Depression.

“In the wake of tax dodging scandals that have captured the country’s headlines ... Australia is leading the way forward" "... a country burned by ExxonMobil and Chevron’s aggressive tax avoidance practices" Well done @ALeighMP

Pet influencers are hotter than ever. But how do dogs do taxes?

Criminal Lunatics in charge of the Dogecoin Asulymn: An open letter to Elon Muski Leave stan Twitter alone

2023 Finding People MiniGuide – This guide by Marcus P. Zillman is a selected list of free and fee based (some require subscriptions), people finding resources, from a range of providers. 

A significant number of free sources on this subject matter are sourced from public records obtained by a group of companies who initially offer free information to establish your interest, from which point a more extensive report requires a fee to obtain. It is important to note there can be many errors in these data, including the inability to correctly de-duplicated individuals with the same common names. 

Also note that each service targets a different mix of identifying data such as: name, address, date of birth, phone numbers, email addresses, relatives, education, employment, criminal records. social media accounts, income. As we conduct research throughout the day it is useful to employ both impromptu and planned searches about individuals that are referenced.

ARE MICROCREDENTIALS A FAD OR CAN THEY REVOLUTIONIZE HIGHER ED? I think it could be the latter. Imagine a world where instead of having to hire someone who has been through 4 years of indoctrination, you can hire someone with the needed knowledge and skills. Could be a game changer.