— C. Northcote Parkinson, who died in 1993
China Scrutinizes $43 Billion Pawn-Shop Lending Boom Bloomberg
In 2009, he came into the swimming spotlight when he broke Ian Thorpe's decade-old Australian record in the 16 Years 200m Individual Medley.
Former Australian swimmer Kenneth To dies at 26 a 🏊♂️ 🏊♀️ Who competed at National heats with Sasha and Gabbie not so long ago ...
WORST CASE OF SUICIDE I EVER DID SEE: Ex-Putin adviser found dead in D.C. hotel had complete neck fracture.

“Don’t you wonder sometimes,” Ursula said. “If just one small thing had been changed, in the past, I mean. If Hitler had died at birth, or if someone had kidnapped him as a baby and brought him up in— I don’t know, say, a Quaker household— surely things would be different.”
A Friend Asked This Baltimore Sun Reporter To Try Being A Private Eye. She Became A Bestselling Crime Novelist Instead
“In this extended interview, [Laura] Lippman discusses her transition from reporter to writer of such novels as What the Dead Know and Sunburn, how women over 60 make the best spies, and why she’s rooting for the decline of dead-girl fiction.” (watch animated version here) – Topic
China Scrutinizes $43 Billion Pawn-Shop Lending Boom Bloomberg
In 2009, he came into the swimming spotlight when he broke Ian Thorpe's decade-old Australian record in the 16 Years 200m Individual Medley.
Former Australian swimmer Kenneth To dies at 26 a 🏊♂️ 🏊♀️ Who competed at National heats with Sasha and Gabbie not so long ago ...
WORST CASE OF SUICIDE I EVER DID SEE: Ex-Putin adviser found dead in D.C. hotel had complete neck fracture.

The Source of Self-Regard: Toni Morrison on Wisdom in the Age of Information
“We move from data to information to knowledge to wisdom. And separating one from the other… knowing the limitations and the danger of exercising one without the others, while respecting each category of intelligence, is generally what serious education is about.”
Esquire: America Has Always Exported Culture. Have We Added Mass Shootings and Online Fascism? Esquire
How To Write A Political Puff Piece Current Affairs. UserFriendly: “Devastating.”
Wikipedia is the most perfectly corrupt neoliberal encyclopedia imaginable. There are countless examples like this, but it’ll be many more years before the culture manages a u-turn. The idea that “we” are in charge of wikipedia is seared into our minds https://t.co/VfrLvvsS6E— Mark Ames (@MarkAmesExiled) March 15, 2019
The YouTube Movie Critic Who Has Become A Breakout Star

Lindsay Ellis has recently emerged as one of the medium’s breakout stars. She earns more than $10,000 a month on Patreon, the crowdfunding site that’s her primary source of revenue. It helps pay for a small staff of mostly part-time employees and allows her to turn out video series like last year’s three-part deep-dive into the Hobbit trilogy, which cost nearly $20,000. Ellis and some of her team went to New Zealand as part of the production, which she feared her supporters would find excessive; instead, the videos gave her the biggest Patreon boost ever. And in the last year, the number of her YouTube subscribers and Twitter followers has doubled. –Wired
Murdering to Mozart. Once, classical music was the backbone of popular entertainment. Now it's portrayed as a handmaiden to sadism and psychopathic Violence
Vonnegut’s moral clarity. More than any other writer, he cut through cant and sophistry to expose self-deceptions for what they are Moral
Neowin: “Microsoft’s positive approach toward harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) has been accentuated multiple times in recent months. In January, Microsoft joined the SciKit-learn consortium to help make AI accessible to all. Then, last month, the tech giant collaborated with Accenture, initiating the Microsoft Business Group to empower enterprises through Azure services. Today, the Redmond-based firm has announced a free, online course, dubbed ‘AI Business School’. As is indicated by the name, the series will aim to empower business leaders, and educate them on how to solve business-specific problems involving AI…”
Harvard Kennedy School
Doris Kearns Goodwin draws common threads to see what we can learn from the private and public lives of great leaders.
Robert Kagan, for The Washington Post
Authoritarianism has reemerged as the greatest threat to the liberal democratic world — a profound ideological, as well as strategic, challenge. And we have no idea how to confront it.
Neowin: “Microsoft’s positive approach toward harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) has been accentuated multiple times in recent months. In January, Microsoft joined the SciKit-learn consortium to help make AI accessible to all. Then, last month, the tech giant collaborated with Accenture, initiating the Microsoft Business Group to empower enterprises through Azure services. Today, the Redmond-based firm has announced a free, online course, dubbed ‘AI Business School’. As is indicated by the name, the series will aim to empower business leaders, and educate them on how to solve business-specific problems involving AI…”
College student with'visions of writing super-cool scripts' almost wipes out faculty's entiresystem
Turns out he probably wasn't smart enough to automate a
Unix system update
Public leadership lessons from the lives of exceptional presidents
Harvard Kennedy School
Doris Kearns Goodwin draws common threads to see what we can learn from the private and public lives of great leaders.
The strongmen strike back
Robert Kagan, for The Washington Post
Authoritarianism has reemerged as the greatest threat to the liberal democratic world — a profound ideological, as well as strategic, challenge. And we have no idea how to confront it.