Labor leader Michael Daley last month contacted police after an article published in the Sydney Morning Herald revealed his office phoned a hotline to transfer a speeding fine into his wife Christina's name.
Police interview Victor Dominello's staff over alleged leak of Daley speeding fine
Fake adsIf Labor Get In | You'll Pay For It Daley |
As Labor's Finance Minister, Michael Daley Racked Up Billions in Debt and Deficit. Don't Risk
NSW election: Polling shows state could be headed for hung ...
NSW election: Polling shows state could be headed for .... THE STADIUMSDEBATE EXPLAINED.
Public servants raised probity concerns over hotel sale to Liberal donor
NSW election voting is different from every other state — Antony Green explains why - ABC News
NSW Labor promises larger budget surplus - report that according to an analysis by the Parliamentary Budget Office, the NSW Labor Party's policies would produce bigger surpluses than the Coalition but would require tax increases and a much more efficient public service
'A gratuitous waste': Perrottet refuses to back away from criticisms of climate change, ABC
A video emerged on Wednesday of the NSW Treasurer addressing a conservative think tank in 2015 where he attacks federal Labor's spending on climate change.
Major parties outline environmental policies aimed at wooing voters
SKY NEWS to host Gladys Berejiklian and Michael Daley for People's Forum in lead-up to NSW Election
Interesting that some private schools stood alongside public schools we hear to encourage their students to strike.
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian agreed with Stokes and said a strike during school hours was “grossly irresponsible.” She also criticised opposition leader Michael Daley who told students that we are at a “crossroads” on climate and backed the strikers.
“Education is also bigger than the classroom. It is based on life experience. That is, in part, the importance of being confident and passionate enough to form beliefs and being prepared to stand up for them,” Daley said.

“They don’t have a microphone or money like the big end of town. But they do have their democratic right to assembly. I support that right to protest especially when it comes to climate change and our fragile environment.
What our leaders said about the school climate change strike
Facebook the medium as pollies target voters with mixed messages
Hundreds of Facebook ads have been bought by NSW political parties ahead of the election, here's what they're selling.