Ori at Blue Mountains with Boronia Rd Boys and Yvone ...
The case against lawns Curbed. Kate Wagner
Owning a Car Will Soon Be as Quaint as Owning a Horse New York Times. “Another prediction from Brooklyn, like HILLIARY WINS!”
Having written her first novel, Warrender Chase “without any great hope of getting it published but with only the excited compulsion to write it,” Fleur takes employment with Sir Quentin Oliver who runs an Autobiographical Association:

Having written her first novel, Warrender Chase “without any great hope of getting it published but with only the excited compulsion to write it,” Fleur takes employment with Sir Quentin Oliver who runs an Autobiographical Association:
“We have all started to write our memoirs, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And we are lodging them for seventy years in a safe place until all the living people therein will be living no longer.”
'The family always comes first': Murdochs fly in to celebrate at Bondi
Their wealth and power has set the scene for many a Shakespearean drama, but on Friday afternoon in Sydney they had a little more reason to smile.

Advice on Writing from Emily Dickinson’s Editor
“Oftentimes a word shall speak what accumulated volumes have labored in vain to utter: there may be years of crowded passion in a word, and half a life in a sentence.”
“You can never be sure / you die without knowing / whether anything you wrote was any good / if you have to be sure don’t write,” W.S. Merwin wrote in his gorgeous poem encapsulating his greatest mentor’s advice. No one has embodied this ethos more fully than Emily Dickinson(December 10, 1830–May 15, 1886), who lived and died a century earlier never knowing whether anything she wrote was any good, never knowing whether and how and that her body of work would revolutionize literature and rewrite the common record of human thought and feeling.
Bald Eagle Trio Is Raising Their Babies Together
the dodo: “Something fascinating is happening in a nest in Illinois [watch the Eagle Cam]. Two male bald eagles have been spotted helping a female bald eagle keep the eggs in the nest warm. But bald eagles are normally very territorial. Bald eagle pairs are also monogamous. So this nest, on the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife Refuge, is very unusual. And it’s not the first time they’ve had eaglets together, either. “The three parents share incubation responsibilities for the eggs — three this year — as they have in previous years,” according to Out There With the Birds, the blog of Bird Watcher’s Digest. “Like their relationship, their history is complicated.”…
Over Half of Samples of Kale Tainted With Possible Cancer-Causing Chemical [this is an extensive article that covers dozens of fruits and vegetables] – “Nearly 70 percent of the produce sold in the U.S. comes with pesticide residues, according to EWG’s analysis of test data from the Department of Agriculture for our 2019 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™.
‘I Lost My Job Over a Facebook Post – Was that Fair?’ Discipline and Dismissal for Social Media Activity (October 31, 2018). 2019 International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations; Faculty of Laws University College London Law Research Paper No. 2/2018. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3276055
Over Half of Samples of Kale Tainted With Possible Cancer-Causing Chemical [this is an extensive article that covers dozens of fruits and vegetables] – “Nearly 70 percent of the produce sold in the U.S. comes with pesticide residues, according to EWG’s analysis of test data from the Department of Agriculture for our 2019 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™.
‘I Lost My Job Over a Facebook Post – Was that Fair?’ Discipline and Dismissal for Social Media Activity (October 31, 2018). 2019 International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations; Faculty of Laws University College London Law Research Paper No. 2/2018. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3276055
“Is it fair to be dismissed for social media activity, and are there
any limitations to the employer’s managerial prerogative? These are the
questions that this article addresses by examining the compatibility of
discipline or dismissal with human rights law, with a primary focus on
United Kingdom (UK) and European human rights law. It argues that UK
courts and tribunals erroneously accept the lawfulness of such
dismissals most of the time. This is due both to weaknesses in the
English law of unfair dismissal, and to courts’ and tribunals’ limited
engagement with human rights at work. Technical aspects of social media
usage, with which courts and tribunals are often unfamiliar, add a
further layer of complexity. Two factors make dismissals for social
media activity particularly challenging for courts: first, the fact that
social media are online platforms that everyone can potentially access,
and hence public rather than private space; second, that expression on
social media, often spontaneous and thoughtless, is not viewed as a
particularly valuable form of speech. The argument of the article is
that both the right to private life and the right to free speech are
implicated in dismissals for social media activity, and that they should
be viewed as lawful in very limited occasions, for employers should not
have the right to censor the moral, political and other views and
preferences of their employees even if it causes business harm.”
The legendary spy who helped seize Nazi Adolf Eichmann, dies at 92
Rafi Eitan faced the Final Solution architect in the execution chamber, where the Nazi said: "Your time will come to follow me". Eitan replied: "Not today, Adolf, not today".
DW.com: “The European Parliament on Tuesday voted with a large majority to end daylight savings time in the EU by 2021. Under the proposals, each member state would decide whether to continue with twice-a-year clock changes or stick permanently to summer or winter time…All 28 member states would need to inform the European Commission of their choice ahead of the proposed switch, by April 2020. They would then coordinate with the bloc’s executive so that their decisions do not disrupt the functioning of the single market. Last year, the European Commission proposed abolishing the seasonal clock change after an EU-wide online poll showed overwhelming support. It has been accused, however, of rushing through the vote ahead of European Parliament elections in May…”
Every one knows about My Short Cuts London Review of Books
Like This or Die Harper’s
DW.com: “The European Parliament on Tuesday voted with a large majority to end daylight savings time in the EU by 2021. Under the proposals, each member state would decide whether to continue with twice-a-year clock changes or stick permanently to summer or winter time…All 28 member states would need to inform the European Commission of their choice ahead of the proposed switch, by April 2020. They would then coordinate with the bloc’s executive so that their decisions do not disrupt the functioning of the single market. Last year, the European Commission proposed abolishing the seasonal clock change after an EU-wide online poll showed overwhelming support. It has been accused, however, of rushing through the vote ahead of European Parliament elections in May…”
Every one knows about My Short Cuts London Review of Books
Like This or Die Harper’s