RADICALIZATION AND DEGENERATION: Rod Dreher explores the Christchurch shooter’s chilling manifesto
A MASS SHOOTING AT A NEW ZEALAND MOSQUE, by a guy who calls himself an “eco-fascist.” “He calls himself an ‘Eco-fascist,’ one who combines environmentalism, racism and authoritarianism into one repulsive package. In his mind the world is dying from over-population, but over-population of the ‘wrong’ kind. He hates capitalism, free markets, and free trade but he loves the Communist Chinese government and fascism. . . . It’s Paul Ehrlich meets Adolph Hitler, Bernie Sanders in cahoots with Benito Mussolini.”
ANDREW KLAVAN: My Thoughts And Prayers.
A MASS SHOOTING AT A NEW ZEALAND MOSQUE, by a guy who calls himself an “eco-fascist.” “He calls himself an ‘Eco-fascist,’ one who combines environmentalism, racism and authoritarianism into one repulsive package. In his mind the world is dying from over-population, but over-population of the ‘wrong’ kind. He hates capitalism, free markets, and free trade but he loves the Communist Chinese government and fascism. . . . It’s Paul Ehrlich meets Adolph Hitler, Bernie Sanders in cahoots with Benito Mussolini.”
ANDREW KLAVAN: My Thoughts And Prayers.
When tragedy or atrocity strikes — as it just did with the mosque shootings in New Zealand — thoughts and prayers are not just an expression of compassion. They are, more importantly and more wisely, an expression of humility and helplessness. They are a way of saying: “There is nothing we can do in the face of this wickedness but we stand in solidarity with the victims and ask God to comfort their families in their sorrow.”Almost every other reaction is absurd. To suggest you have the solution to the eternal problem of evil in the form of addressing your pet peeve or of blaming and attacking your political opponents is disgraceful. It is to use the bodies of the slain for a soap box. It degrades you and insults the victims.
RICHARD FERNANDEZ: New Zealand Attack Shows Us That Tribal Score-Settling Has Infected the West.
Lifehacker: “Because it’s 2019, and livestreaming has had five years or so to really build up into a mainstream activity that people actually do, this means that horrific acts of violence and terror around the world have a greater-than-zero chance of having some video component attached to them. After all, now that plenty of people have the equivalent of a 4K video camera in their pockets, it’s just that easy to shoot and share anything—even the very worst things—with the world. While the various social media services are doing everything they can to remove the video of [the March 15, 2019] horrific shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand, there are just as many people dedicating their day (it seems) to getting the video as much traction as possible. Because, again, that’s the kind of world we live in…”
Christchurch attacks are a stark warning of toxic political environment that allows hate to flourish
Greg Barton, via The Conversation
Explaining how 50 people came to be killed, and almost as many badly injured, in Christchurch’s double massacre of Muslims at prayer is heartbreaking but relatively straightforward.
The toughest calls
What do you do if you’re a news organization that has access to
footage from the biggest news event in the world? That question becomes much
more complicated when that news event is a mass murder.
What do you show? Any of it? None of it? Part of it? How much is
too much?
Brenton Tarrant filmed a 17-minute Facebook video of his Friday
attack on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, that killed 50 people. The
footage includes his drive to the mosque, all of his weapons and graphic scenes
of his rampage. Many media organizations have aired portions of the film, but
stopped as he entered the mosque. Even “CBS Sunday Morning,” usually a show
with lighter features and personality profiles, showed some of the footage, but
stopped when Tarrant began firing. Still, it was jarring.
Tarrant’s footage began circulating online as soon as he began
his shooting spree. The
Washington Post reported that Facebook removed 1.5 million videos of
the shootings in the first 24 hours and were dealing with more. About 1.2
million were blocked at upload. (The Post has an excellent video explaining the
details of Tarrant’s video on social media.)
New Zealand police immediately asked that no one share any of the
videos. Sky New Zealand pulled fellow broadcaster Sky News Australia off the
air because it was airing some of the footage.
In a statement, Sky New Zealand wrote, “We stand in support
of our fellow New Zealanders and have made the decision to remove Sky News
Australia from our platform until we are confident that the distressing footage
from yesterday’s events will not be shared.”
But a Sky News Australia spokesperson said, “Sky News, in line
with other broadcasters, ran heavily edited footage that did not show the
shootings or the victims.”
Guardian reported that another Australia station, Network 10, also
showed parts of the video.
“We are appalled and deeply saddened by the tragic events in
Christchurch today,” a Network 10 spokeswoman said. “Like other media outlets,
10 Daily showed footage of the gunman walking towards the door of the mosque.
We warned about the nature of the vision in the accompanying story. We did not
show any vision from inside the mosque.”
Atlantic turned to Poynter’s own Al Tompkins to ask how news outlets
should handle such cases. Tompkins said:
“My suggestion is not to have an outright prohibition against
using graphic images, but I would raise my bar pretty high to say this: Is
there any reason why the public needs to see these images in order to
understand what occurred?”
Read this

At the end of each newsletter, I link to certain stories well worth your time to check out. I do that again in this newsletter, but there is a certain piece of work that deserves special attention today and that’s USA Today’s report on how hospitals are failing new moms. As USA Today writes, the U.S. healthcare system is one of the most expensive in the world, yet America’s maternal death rate is the highest among developed nations. It’s a sobering story with outstanding graphics.
More controversy at Alabama paper

Remember last month when the owner, editor and publisher of a
Linden, Alabama, newspaper
wrote an editorial calling for the Ku Klux Klan to “ride again?’’ Apparently
he has run off his replacement. Goodloe Sutton, who remained owner, was
replaced as publisher and editor by an African-American woman. Now
the New York Times reports that his replacement, Elecia R. Dexter, has
resigned. Dexter told the Times, “I would have liked it to turn out a different
way, but it didn’t. This is a hard one because it’s sad — so much good could
have come out of this.”
The mayor of Linden, Charles
Moore, told AL.com that Dexter was “ran off” by Sutton and added, “He
never left the building.”
Pirro suspended

Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro has been suspended, according
to CNN’s Brian Stelter. There’s no word on how long Pirro will be out, but
her show did not air Saturday night, a week after she questioned Congresswoman
Ilhan Omar’s loyalty to the U.S. Constitution because of her Islamic faith.
President Donald Trump was not happy about the suspension, tweeting:
“Bring back @JudgeJeanine Pirro.
The Radical Left Democrats, working closely with their beloved partner, the
Fake News Media, is using every trick in the book to SILENCE a majority of our
Country. They have all out campaigns against @FoxNews hosts
who are doing too well.”