Andy Warhol — Ai Weiwei | NGV
Ai Weiwei’s Segment For Anthology Film About Berlin Suppressed Out Of Fears Of Chinese Gov’t Reaction
“A contribution by the Chinese artist, film-maker and activist Ai Weiwei to a film called Berlin, I Love You, was cut by the producers on concern it could block the movie from getting distribution in China and create difficulties for them with the Chinese authorities.” –The Art Newspaper
We’re All Lonely Together
IS IT REALLY THAT STRANGE? A Strange Relationship Between Vegetarianism and Depression: New research connects vegetarianism and depression. The question is why? Well, for one thing, there’s no bacon.
On display at the KGB Museum: a single-shot lipstick gun, suitcase phones, and other spy paraphernalia. Not shown: the Politics
Met Publications – Available to read, download and/or search for free. [Users may search by title, author, keyword, publication type, thematic category, collection/department, and format.]
Artists may pooh-pooh the idea of being cool, but a few of them had it down pat. Consider Warhol’s catatonic effortlessness or Bukowski’s timeless advice: “Don’t try.”... Do not Try
Ranking All 52 Movies Nominated For An Oscar

Why not? From the 52nd – which, whew, sounds terrible – to a Marvel movie that “felt like a cog” to the top “thrilling and hilarious and sad and dishy” film, here’s everything nominated for anything this year. – Slate
Will AI Ever Be Artists? Be Creative? Produce Art? A Philosopher Argues No
“Human creative achievement, because of the way it is socially embedded, will not succumb to advances in artificial intelligence. To say otherwise is to misunderstand both what human beings are and what our creativity amounts to.” – MIT Technology Review
When Good People Do Bad (And Why)

You might wonder how people who seem so good by occupation could be so bad in private. The theory of moral licensing could help explain why: When humans are good, it says, we give ourselves license to be bad. – Nautilus