Efficient Justice: Which District Court Judges Now Have the Largest Civil Caseloads?
GREAT MOMENTS IN COVER STORIES: High-end coffee company Blue Bottle will ban cash at 12 locations across the country starting on March 11 as part of a month-long experiment that aims to speed up purchases, the San Francisco Chronicle reports
Australia's top 10 tax dodgers: Amcor
Tough times for shining light into dark corners
I would have beaten Labor: Julie Bishop - Sydney Morning Herald
NEW SOCIALIST “IT GIRL” CONTINUES TO PAY DIVIDENDS: Everyone Who’s Never Read A History Book Shocked As Socialist Turns Into Authoritarian At First Whiff Of Power.
The old blogosphere vs. current social media
Who needs human information sources when there are virtual information sources?
Robotic Industries Association (RIA) stats show continued growth in food & consumer goods, plastics & rubber, life sciences and other sectors, while sales to automotive customers slow – “Robots shipped to North American companies in record numbers last year, with more non-automotive companies installing robots than ever before. Statistics from the Robotic Industries Association (RIA), part of the Association for Advancing Automation (A3), show 35,880 units were shipped in 2018, a 7 percent increase over 2017, with 16,702 shipments to non-automotive companies, up 41 percent. Notable growth came in areas like food and consumer goods (48 percent), plastics and rubber (37 percent), life sciences (31 percent), and electronics (22 percent).
Meanwhile, shipments to the automotive industry slowed, with only 19,178 units shipped to North American automotive OEM and tier supplier customers in 2018. This was 12 percent lower than the 21,732 units shipped in 2017. Overall, the automotive industry accounted for only 53 percent of total robot shipments in North America in 2018, its lowest percentage share since 2010…”
Differences in the Quran treatment of the themes from the Book of Genesis
1. There are more angels.
2. Satan plays a larger role.
3. There is virtually no literary suspense.
4. Adam is not made in God’s image.
5. There is considerably less complexity of narrative perspective.
6. Allah does not speak directly, rather it is all coming from Allah.
7. Noah is more of a prophet of doom, and Abraham (“the first Muslim”) is a more important figure.
8. The Abraham story is more central.
9. Isaac is aware that he is slated for sacrifice, and accepts his fate. (That he is not killed of course you can think of as an “alternative” to the Christ story, namely that the blessed do not have to undergo a brutal, ugly death.)
10. The covenant with God is not national or regional in its origins.
For those points I drew upon my interpretations of Jack Miles, God in the Qu’ran, among other sources.
'Pretty hairy situation': Incredible footage of Bunyip blaze
A volunteer firefighter has captured what's it's like driving through a bushfire at night as he and a colleague moved through the Bunyip state park
'We've lost everything': Winemaker heartbroken after watching property explode in flames
Sitting in a Bunyip cafe with other frightened locals, Andrew Clarke looked up at a TV screen to see a house on his vineyard explode in a massive fireball.

French cinema festival more dramatic than its films
If you were to write a script that charts the history of the Australia/France relationship over the past 30 years, it would be part Pink Panther, part cinema noir.
Nine Steps That Companies Should Take To Protect You - EFF: “Today we are announcing Fix It Already, a new way to show companies we’re serious about the big security and privacy issues they need to fix. We are demanding fixes for different issues from nine tech companies and platforms, targeting social media companies, operating systems, and enterprise platforms on issues ranging from encryption design to retention policies. Some of these issues stem from business decisions. Some are security holes. Some are design choices. The common thread? All of these well-known privacy and security issues have attainable fixes and an outsize impact on people’s lives…”
- Android should let users deny and revoke apps’ Internet permissions.
- Apple should let users encrypt their iCloud backups.
- Facebook should leave your phone number where you put it.
- Slack should give free workspace administrators control over data retention.
- Twitter should end-to-end encrypt direct messages.
- Venmo should let users hide their friends lists.
- Verizon should stop pre-installing spyware on its users’ phones.
- WhatsApp should get your consent before you’re added to a group.
- Windows 10 should let users keep their disk encryption keys to themselves…”