Saturday, October 18, 2014

Risks of seeing too many tales

The economic value of misbehavior Tyler Cowen. Is this rationalizing the status quo?

Traumatic and painful events burnish their effect upon our brains. This happens profoundly in childhood, as well as in relationships, and most definitely as readers will know,  in the financial markets.  The Risk That Will Bite You Next Is NOT The One That Bit You Last Cassandra

Severed heads on tables, severed heads below headless bodies, severed heads of accomplices grouped together:Photographing the guillotine

A Tale Of Two Silicon Valleys: Wage theft, billionaires, and the rest of us Pando

Daniel Shaviro, Frontiers of quasi-tax fraud. “Because (a) partnership tax rules are so complex that only a handful of people really understand them – perhaps a thousand across the entire country? – and (b) people at the IRS generally don’t understand them, and (c) the audit rate for partnership tax returns is below 1%, compliance with partnership tax rules that are meant to block abusive tax planning that contradicts the actual tenor of the rules has pretty much completely collapsed.”

A summary of tax cases involving prostitutes in the wake of the Cartagena Hooker scandal from Robert Wood.
News from the Profession. Which Accounting Firm Fired an Employee for His Dispute with Comcast? A: PwC (Caleb Newquist, Going Concern)

Peter Reilly, Teresa Giudice’s Surprise Sentence And Possible Better Ways To Motivate Compliance. “What I found interesting in this piece by Kelly Phillips Erb was that Ms. Giudice was surprised when she was sentenced to some prison time.”  Me too.