WaPo Op-Ed: At 33, I Knew Everything. At 69, I Know Something Much More Important
A deep dive into the Beatles’ “last” single and their reworked new greatest hits album, over at Ed Driscoll.com.

Grin and Wear It?
“Beyond Human Conjecture”: Charlton Comics’ ‘Creepy Things’
Today’s sophisticated communications infrastructure did not emerge fully formed as totalitarian surveillance. Its annihilation of privacy was merely the price we had to pay for an unprecedented level of reliability within an endless array of applications…
The Lonely, Horny Prophecies of Lynne Tillman’s ‘Weird Fucks’
By Sam Moore
What’s prescient about Weird Fucks is how everything both is and isn’t a matter of life and death; violence is an undercurrent, and every breakup may or may not be the end of the world…
Why is medieval art so weird? This new book offers a guide to the era