Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The future of money How a Tiny Pacific Island Became the Global Capital of Cybercrime

Firms that donate to political parties twice as likely to win government contracts, analysis finds Transparency group says donating companies should be banned from government contracts but constitutional expert disagrees

"This was not an innocent mistake, this was a deliberate, calculated scheme," Mr Dreyfus said.

"In essence, people were traumatised on the off-chance they might owe money."

Priceless outlawed Zucchini …

Government formally responds to Robodebt royal commission, revealing 16 public servants being investigated over scheme

The government has agreed to all of the recommendations from the royal commission into the unlawful Robodebt scheme.

Key points:

The Lawyer-Hero: Lessons In Leadership For Lawyers From Watergate To The Present Day

How a Tiny Pacific Island Became the Global Capital of Cybercrime MIT Technology Review

The future of money: a possible role for central bank digital currencies and their implications Bank of International Settlement. Presumably the smallest unit will be sufficient to purchase one insect, good eatin’. I mean, I woudn’t want to be forced to purchase more insects than I really need

Jamie Dimon is selling his stock. These Wall Street bankers are doing the same FT

‘Heartbroken, Furious, and Angry’: Election Official sounds off on threats facing poll workers

MSNBC via YouTube: “Jocelyn Benson Michigan Secretary of State and Frank Figliuzzi, Former Assistant Director for Counterintelligence at the FBI, join Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House to discuss news that envelopes containing fentanyl were sent to election officials in Fulton County and the heightened threat environment facing poll workers across the country.”

Inside the Frat-Boy Crime Ring That Swept the South Vanity Fair

3 are charged with running sex ring that catered to politicians, military and others NPR. My goodness. Sounds like a honey trap. I wonder who could have been running it?


Court rules automakers can record and intercept owner text messages The Record.  Not sure about the venue, but links in both SlashDot and Hacker News.