Matisse was a lover of women. Karen Wilkins explains the layered richness of his response to the female body
What was the origin of the novel?Perhaps it was Robinson Crusoe, perhaps Don Quixote. Or perhaps the question is nonsensical Novel Questions
| Glamour is a form of persuasion, says Virginia Postrel, and jet-age glamour changed the way people think about the relationship between humans and technology
New way to calculate dogs’ ages may unlock secret to aging ABC
Visualizing the Connections among Philosophical Topics
Justin Reppert, a philosophy Ph.D. student at Fordham University, has created a fun tool that illustrates the connections between various philosophical topics, based on the “related links” sections of articles at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (more…)
Michelangelo: Portrait Of The Artist As An Old Man
When Michelangelo turned seventy, as he does at the beginning of Michelangelo, God’s Architect, he had nineteen more years to live, every one of them spent at work. As dear friends died and his body weakened, he took on a remarkable series of huge, daunting projects, fully aware, as William Wallace emphasizes, that he would never live to see them completed. In his deeply spiritual vision of the world, his own limits hardly mattered; God had called him, and he had answered. – New York Review of Books
Scientists Discover Extremely Tiny Dinosaur Ancestor in MadagascarScienceAlert
A Surprise Comet Is Coming to Put on a Spectacular Sky Show — and It Won’t Be Visible Again for Over 6,000 Years Travel and Leisure
The Faltering Escalator of Urban Opportunity (PDF) David Autor, The MIT Task Force on Work of the Future
As draw of city life faded for non-college workers, Blacks and Latinos were squeezed hardest Reuters
Contemplating Recession At The Edge Of The World The American Conservative
Loveland Walmart Distribution Center has COVID-19 outbreak Loveland Reporter-Herald. Love the “Now Hiring” signs!
Dutch police discover secret torture site in shipping containers CNN. Yikes.
I’m a U.S. Citizen. Where in the World Can I Go? NYT.
University of Plymouth – The Arts Institute – The Ancient Mariner Big Read – “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a founding fable of our modern age. We are the wedding guests, and the albatross around the Mariner’s neck is an emblem of human despair and our abuse of the natural world. Yet in its beautiful terror there lies a wondrous solution – that we might wake up and find ourselves saved. Art knows no boundaries. The Ancient Mariner Big Read is an inclusive, immersive work of audio and visual art from the 21st century that reflects the sweeping majesty and abiding influence of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s 18th century epic poem.
The Story Behind The Instagram Hit #CamerasandDancers
“[The] monthly, location-specific Instameet … brings together top dancers, interesting architecture and elite movement photographers — the intersection of which results in truly exquisite dance photography.” Choreographer Jacob Jonas, the creator of #CamerasandDancers, tells reporter Haley Hilton how it all works. – Dance Magazine