How I Learned To Be An Art Critic
“How did I learn to judge between one work and another? By looking and reading and looking and reading and looking. It is not a matter of mere subjectivity. You acquire the skill to transmit your excitement before a work, feel its pulse, recognize why it comes alive, pinpoint the source of its visual allure.” – Hyperallergic
Bunnings has a little-known app to help you find every product in the store without asking for help
CALL ME CRAZY, BUT I THINK THE HEADLESS SISTER IS THE BIGGER STORY HERE: Grisly details as dismembered millionaire tech CEO found by sister ‘with no head.’
If you live in the US and Canada, you might have the opportunity to check out Comet NEOWISE over the next few weeks with a good pair of binoculars or even with the naked eye. EarthSky has the skinny.
“Despite appearing as mutually exclusive opposites, horror and comedy are related as cousins under the skin” — Noël Carroll (CUNY) explains