The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.
— Thomas Berger, born this week in 1924
What Is Intelligence?
How is it that I am sitting here writing this right now and you are sitting there reading this at some later point which seems like now to you? These behaviors are the result of a series of interconnected processes that have evolved over billions of years that we collective call “intelligence”.
In this video, Kurzgesagt takes a crack at explaining the simple view of intelligence as “a mechanism to solve problems” that involves several aspects: information, memory, learning, knowledge, creativity, the use of physical tools, the ability to plan for the future, and culture. As usual, their extensive list of sourcesprovides more details and opportunities for further exploration.
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There Can Be No Equality Without a Dramatic Renewal of Employment Opportunity for All American Workers
Workers, and above all black workers, lost out when unions came under attack and corporate profiteering and short-termism became the norm
Intelligence Illargi
American spies: “Those sneaky Russians want to get their grubby asiatic fingers on our patriotic COVID cure!” Yasha Levine
Deepfake used to attack activist couple shows new disinformation frontierReuters
Tech Firms Like Facebook Must Restrict Data Sent From EU To US, Court RulesGuardian
Who’s Behind Wednesday’s Epic Twitter Hack? Brian Krebs
The CIA, Covert Action and Operations in Cyberspace LawFare
Trump Administration Discussing Travel Ban on China’s Communist Party Members Wall Street Journal
Donald J. Trump, or Osama bin Laden’s Revenge Tom Engelhardt
CHINA SYNDROME: Malware stashed in China-mandated software is more extensive than thought.