Monday, April 13, 2020

Financial Sources on the Internet 2020

 ZOOM: What a view! Mercury probe snaps stunning photos of our planet during Earth flyby

Financial Sources on the Internet 2020 – This is Marcus Zillman’s selective and wide ranging guide to mostly free financial, market, benchmarking, data and knowledge discovery resources on the internet. The guide is especially useful during this time of financial tumult, and will be updated in future as we continue to experience financial volatility around the world. The information covered includes: news, corporate, academic, public/private, scholarly and government sites and services respective to four sections – Corporate Conference Calls Resources, Financial Sources, Financial Sources Search Engines, and Selected Venture Capital Sources.

Australian investigated for mask stockpile scam

A healthcare union, Pittsburgh businessman and several hospitals and government agencies were all caught up in the elaborate fraud.

"There has never been an American president as spiritually impoverished as Donald Trump...."

"... Trump is a spiritual black hole. He has no ability to transcend himself by so much as an emotional nanometer.... He represents the ultimate triumph of a materialist mindset. He has no ability to understand anything that is not an immediate tactile or visual experience, no sense of continuity with other human beings, and no imperatives more important than soothing the barrage of signals emanating from his constantly panicked and confused autonomic system.... In his daily coronavirus briefings, Trump lumbers to the podium and pulls us into his world: detached from reality, unable to feel any emotions but anger and paranoia. Each time we watch, Trump’s spiritual poverty increases our own, because for the duration of these performances, we are forced to live in the same agitated, immediate state that envelops him.... Each of these presidential therapy sessions corrodes us until the moment when the president finally shambles away in a fog of muttered slogans and paranoid sentence fragments.... We are all living with him in the moment and neglecting the thing that makes us human beings instead of mindless fish swimming in circles."