Friday, March 26, 2004

It's Hard for Politcians to Say War Wasn't Worth It... Your government failed you. Those entrusted with protecting you failed you. And I failed you. He asked for their understanding and forgiveness.

Richard Clarke: Reviewed Revised Reread
First, real, hard-core lefties are going to be very uncomfortable reading this book. Pages 45-49 are a good example why. Clarke is clearly a hawk's hawk. He talks about being charmed by Perle's ideas and whatnot. I actually find this refreshing because he puts our actions in the Middle East into their proper context, e.g. we were fighting the Cold War.
The one passage I found that was really amusing was when he writes: "Agh, come up with a new thought. CIA and the Pentagon won't agree . . . ." Mort [Abramowitz] was relighting the stub of a cigar. "You wanna do something? Go see your friend Richard Perle, the Prince of Darkness, get him [to do it]."
Any thoughts on your end?

· Hawk's hawk [ courtesy of RoadToSurfdom ]
· A New Folk Hero: Richard Clarke: His Case is Deep, Compelling...
· See Also Richard Clarke's Against All Enemies ranked no. 1 at Amazon as of Tuesday
· Ripples from Spain are Rocking Australia...