Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Booksellers with kiosks have found the axiom made famous in W.P. Kinsella's Shoeless Joe on target: Build it, and they will come. Who Needs an Agent? You Do!

Double Dragons Take Flight
Passengers on American Airlines flights during the month of February who pick up the airline's publication, American Way, will discover a feature article by Chris Tucker entitled "Book Tour -- The conventional wisdom is wrong:
Real bookstores are not dead
Ingram Product Will Allow Booksellers to Order Direct From Publishers
Ingram Book Group unveiled Pubsource ]
Kiosks Bring BookSense.com In-Store
· Build it, and they will come
· See Also William Faulkner only opened mail from publishers, and then with a slit to see if it was a check. If not, the letter went into his enormous pile of unread mail
· Perhaps there’s a delicious irony in that, these days, Hollywood comes to Australia for famous names. So the joke’s on it.
· See Also Ancient Indians made 'rock music'
· See Also Absinthe, the mythical herbal liqueur beloved of turn-of-the-century artists and blamed for driving some of them mad
· My sole reason for existing is to serve as a warning to others