Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Fresh Oxygen on level playing fields: Tax prep companies let Google and Facebook sell ads off your data

It was a breath of fresh air to hear Anthony Albanese, when sworn in as prime minister, commit to tackle inequality. There was a palpable shift in one of America’s closest allies. It brought hope to everyone pushing for a new economic paradigm.

Ernie Dingo and Richard Walley on the 40th year of their welcome to country Monica Tan The ceremony has a history of thousands of years but the pair say theirs was the first to be performed in the country for non-Indigenous Australians

It was a breath of fresh air to hear Anthony Albanese, when sworn in as prime minister, commit to tackle inequality. There was a palpable shift in one of America’s closest allies. It brought hope to everyone pushing for a new economic paradigm.

Reversing the enormous growth of inequality of recent decades is one of the great challenges of our time. It won’t happen if corporations don’t pay their fair share of taxes, and today, by and large, they don’t.

PwC scandal should remind Albanese to stay strong on multinational tax secrecy


Nobel Prize-winning economist

First public official ousted in global PwC tax scandal

The myth of the self-made billionaire is just that, a myth.

Six of the 10 wealthiest Americans alive today are heirs to fortunes passed on to them by wealthy ancestors. Trickle down economics is a cruel joke

No words that I can post here to describe the evilness of those consultancies and servants of the public purse ...

So not every section of the ABC has been outsourced to PWC, KPMG & McKinseys etc
The relentless deception by the Big 4 consulting firms is inexcusable, a gross betrayal of public trust & reveals a toxic culture of unethical conduct. It’s no wonder PwC was likened to a cancer, to a sickening example of dishonesty. A powerful, crucial report on  7:30 ABC

Tracey Murray says there is a “widely held view in the Australian economy that if you get your advice from one of the Big 4, that you really won’t be challenged by the ATO…even if something goes wrong” This from a fmr PwC Partner who is also a fmr Auditor in the ATO (prior to PwC)

Australian government spending on big four consultancy firms up 1,270% in a decade, analysis shows PwC, Deloitte, KPMG and EY face scrutiny as critics warn core functions of democracy should not be outsource

“Launch a Royal Commission” – Ex-KPMG partner

Not all royal commissions are equal

The media are a lot more interested in scandals like robo-debt under a Coalition government than in Lawyer X under a Labor government in Victoria.

John Roskam

The tax on technology in Brazil is absolutely insane.

Workplace psychosocial hazards can be devastating, but we might be getting better at managing them

Public Eye: Dob in a colleague to National Anti-Corruption Commission, ATO says

AI Will Save the World Marc Andreessen, The Free Press. “It is owned by people and controlled by people, like any other technology.” A gross category error. AI owners are capitalists (also “people,” but not, say, selected by sortition), who “control” AI for paperclips profit. Interesting read, but remember that fundamental mistake, and watch the sleight of hand where other dichotomies (e.g., “Baptists” and “Bootleggers”*) are introduced. NOTE * Really? Couldn’t Andreessen’s ghost-writer — or AI — come up with something better than that?

AI is an existential threat – just not the way you think The Conversation

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AI Junk Is Starting to Pollute the Internet WSJ

The New “Hybrid Work” is “AI + Humans”JSTOR. Until it isn’t.

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Tax prep companies let Google and Facebook sell ads off your data Vox

Vice Execs Were Paid Over $1 Million In Bonuses The Day After ‘Painful’ Layoffs HuffPost

Konrad Wolf Prize 2023 goes to Julian AssangeAkademie der Kรผnste