Lots of metaphors. There’s a storm cloud above the George Street Quay Tower. Rattles of thunder
PwC trains 1300 staff on honesty and integrity (after a warning)
US regulator reports rising number of flawed audits
Duke Symposium: Tax Evasion, Corruption, And The Distortion Of Justice
Dispute Resolution Methods In International Tax
- Australians who have suffered myGov account hacks have in recent months been hit with bills for fraudulent tax claims worth tens of thousands of dollars (7News);
- The tax office is implementing algorithmic analysis in response and deploying hundreds of staff to crack down on the scam;
- The agency advises taxpayers to monitor their ATO file and ensure their current mobile number is listed, so that when a new myGov account is linked, they can receive a text alert;
- In at least one case, the fraudster also changed the mobile number of a Melbourne woman and she did not receive a notification (ABC);
- It comes amid a surge in SMS scams pretending to be from the ATO in an attempt to steal personal information and bank account numbers (news.com.au).
The Bible is becoming less and less relevant because of all the people using it to justify hate while beating those they hate with it, shouting cherry picked verses while ignoring the central message.
Putin’s Russia 🇷🇺 is destroying European history. The world does nothing to stop them.
Our wealth is being transferred to the super rich. The oligarchs are running the country right now and they're running it for their benefit, not the benefit of the people. There is a stench of corruption in this society."
Mick Lynch on
Highlights on cyber security issues, July 15, 2023 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, finance, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and online security, often without our situational awareness.
Four highlights from this week: The potential healthcare privacy risks of ChatGPT; “Shadow libraries” at heart of mounting copyright lawsuits against OpenAI; Congressional Report Finds Meta and Tax Prep Companies “Recklessly” Shared Taxpayers’ Data; and Cooper Davis Act Would Force Tech Companies to Flag Users for Drugs.
IRS moves forward with a new free-file tax return system, supporters and critics mobilize
AP via PBS.org: “An IRS plan to test drive a new electronic free-file tax return system next year has got supporters and critics of the idea mobilizing to sway the public and Congress over whether the government should set up a permanent program to help people file their taxes without needing to pay somebody else to figure out what they owe. On one side, civil society groups this week launched a coalition to promote the move toward a government-run free-file program. On the other, tax preparation firms like Intuit — the parent company of TurboTax — and H&R Block have been pouring millions into trying to stop the idea cold. The advocacy groups are exponentially out-monied. An April AP analysis found that overall, Intuit, H&R Block, and other private companies and advocacy groups for large tax preparation businesses, as well as proponents in favor of electronic free file, have reported spending $39.3 million since 2006 to lobby on “free-file” and other matters.
Federal law doesn’t require domestic lobbyists to itemize expenses by specific issue, so the sums are not limited to free-file. Intuit spent at least $25.6 million since 2006 on lobbying, H&R Block about $9.6 million and the conservative Americans for Tax Reform roughly $3 million. In contrast, the NAACP has spent $140,000 lobbying on “free-file” since 2006 and Public Citizen has spent $110,000 in the same time frame. “What we have on our side is public opinion,” said Igor Volsky, executive director of the liberal Groundwork Action advocacy group. Volsky’s organization and leaders from Public Citizen, the Center for the Study of Social Policy, Code for America, the Economic Security Project and others launched the “Coalition for Free and Fair Filing” on Wednesday.
The group’s mission is to “ensure all U.S. taxpayers can easily file tax returns and get the tax credits they deserve by safeguarding and expanding” the new IRS program. “The overwhelming majority of people demand a free-file option,” Volsky said. “Now the question for us is how do you channel that into effective political pressure.”
Politics reporters in Florida share the wild intensity in the lead-up to 2024
‘I had every expectation it was going to be like this, and it’s definitely lived up to that.’
Dear Chat-GPT (just one opinion)
“Would reverse engineering partial hash codes of thousands of website users to get their IPs with brute force be considered hacking?”
Yes, attempting to reverse engineer hash codes to obtain user IP addresses or any other sensitive information would certainly be considered hacking. This is an unauthorized attempt to access, manipulate, or use another person’s data, which is a breach of privacy. It is both unethical and illegal, as it infringes on various privacy and computer misuse laws. If caught and prosecuted, the consequences can range from fines to imprisonment. Always respect digital privacy and follow the law when dealing with data and sensitive information.
“Can it be said that “do not harm the individuals you are studying” is a fundamental principle of scientific and research ethics?”
Yes, the principle of “do no harm” is a fundamental tenet of scientific and research ethics. This means researchers have a duty to avoid causing any physical, psychological, social, or cultural harm to their subjects. This applies to all fields of study including medical, psychological, sociological, anthropological, and so on. Moreover, researchers have an obligation to anticipate and manage any potential risks that their studies may pose to both individuals and communities. Ensuring informed consent, maintaining confidentiality, and avoiding deceptive practices are also key aspects of ethical research conduct.
“What if those individuals deserve to be harmed, because of bad things they have done in the past? Say they are convicted murderers. Would that change the above-mentioned principle of scientific and research ethics, namely do not harm the subjects you are studying?”
No, the principle of “do no harm” in scientific and research ethics does not change based on the past actions or characteristics of the individual. Even if the individuals are convicted murderers or have done bad things in the past, researchers are obliged to treat them ethically. All human subjects have the right to be free from physical and psychological harm during research. This is crucial for maintaining the integrity of research and the researchers themselves. This principle has been established and maintained to ensure that scientific and research pursuits do not become a justification for harm or maltreatment.
Thank you Chat-GPT!