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Jane Digby, the scandalous English aristocrat

Digby had 4 husbands and many lovers, including King Ludwig of Bavaria and his son King Otto of Greece, a Bohemian nobleman, Austrian statesman and Prince, and a Greek general.
At age 46, Digby travelled to the Middle East and fell in love with Sheik Medjuel el Mezrab, 20 years her junior. The two were married under Muslim law and she took the name Jane Elizabeth Digby el Mezrab. Their marriage was a happy one and lasted until her death 28 years later. It has been written that Jane Digby was referred to as Shaikhah Umm al-Laban (literally sheikha mother of milk) due to the colour of her skin. Digby adopted Arab dress and learned Arabic in addition to the other eight languages in which she was fluent. Half of each year was spent in the nomadic style, living in goat-hair tents in the desert, while the rest was enjoyed in a palatial villa that she had built in Damascus. She spent the rest of her life in the city, where she befriended Sir Richard Burton and Lady Burton – Isabel Burton.
Found on Klean Magazine
These Signs Could Be An Indication Your Home Is About To Slide Down A Hill LAist
The New York Times spreads misinformation about misinformation.
The gatekeeper of establishment gatekeepers, the New York Times, regularly crusades against spreading “disinformation” or “misinformation” and in favor of censorship.
In a story on Thursday titled, “Ruling Puts Social Media at Crossroads of Disinformation and Free Speech,” the Timesexplored how dangerous it might be if the federal government is not allowed to direct social media companies on what kind of speech is allowed.
The Times frames the pro-First Amendment ruling as a right-wing victory carried out by a Trump-appointed, right-wing-friendly judge who seems to be warm to “debunked” claims from “vaccine skeptics.” The Timesreported that this case was “being overseen by Judge Terry A. Doughty, who was appointed by President Donald J. Trump and has previously expressed little skepticism about debunked claims from vaccine skeptics. In one previous case, Judge Doughty accepted as fact the claim that “Covid-19 vaccines do not prevent transmission of the disease.” (Emphasis added).
Wait, what was that?
“Judge Doughty accepted as fact the claim that ‘Covid-19 vaccines do not prevent transmission of the disease.”
COVID-19 vaccines DON’T stop transmission of the disease. Believing that is not accepting a “debunked” claim.
Here’s what the CDC says, “Vaccinated people can still become infected and have the potential to spread the virus to others, although at much lower rates than unvaccinated people.”
So, in their effort to make this judge look like a right-winggoon who wants to allow the spread of misinformation, the Times spreads their own misinformation.
I certainly wasn’t the only one who noticed.
If only the Gray Lady had a veteran columnist with decades of experience assigned to the coronavirus beat who could keep track of these things. If only.
(Classical reference in headline.)