Sunday, December 19, 2021

Flowers for Greg Tate

 Map of transparent butterflies highlights biodiversity hotspot in the Andes Mountains

Flowers for Greg Tate

“Being a 25-year-old music freelancer for the Voice meant your number-one goal in life — free passes to any show at any venue in the city — was answered,” Tate wrote in a 2017 remembrance of his early days there. “But it also gave you street cred you didn’t even know you had among a wide swath of characters — club bouncers, burly Latino locksmiths from the Bronx who took your check and proclaimed themselves fans of your byline, label execs, musical icons, and rising rap stars.”

  1. Life, by Carlos Mariscal.
  2. Aristotle’s Aesthetics, by Pierre Destrée.
  3. Alonzo Church, by Harry Deutsch and Oliver Marshall.


  1. The Distinction Between Innate and Acquired Characteristics, by Paul Griffiths and Stefan Linquist.
  2. Collingwood’s Aesthetics, by Gary Kemp.
  3. Johannes Sharpe, by Alessandro Conti.
  4. Medieval Theories of Analogy, by E. Jennifer Ashworth and Domenic D’Ettore.
  5. Environmental Ethics, by Andrew Brennan and Norva Y. S. Lo.
  6. Galen, by P. N. Singer.

IEP      ∅        

NDPR      ∅     

1000-Word Philosophy     

  1. Modal Ontological Arguments for the Existence of God, by Thomas Metcalf.   

Project Vox      ∅  

Recent Philosophy Book Reviews in Non-Academic Media     

  1. Drawing The Line: What to Do with the Work of Immoral Artists from Museums to the Movies by Erich Hatala Matthes is reviewed by Barton Swaim at the Wall Street Journal (may be paywalled).
  2. Artful Truths: The Philosophy of Memoir by Helena de Bres is reviewed by Tom Whyman at the Times Literary Supplement (may be paywalled).

Compiled by Michael Glawson

BONUS: Reconciling ideal and non-ideal theory