‘Hey Siri, I’m getting pulled over’: iPhone feature will record police interaction, send location FOX 29 News Philadelphia
A flood of coronavirus apps are tracking us. Now it’s time to keep track of them.MIT Technology Review

Military overreach, excessive spending and taxation, the rise of Christianity: many explanations for the fall of Rome. Was a pandemic to BlamE?
Tip 1: Posturing
It’s not exactly trash-talking your opponent before a bout, but since late 2019, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has been giving a consistent message that it is focusing greater attention on SMEs and high-wealth individuals. So take notice.
Huskisson: Residents fear 'Gold Coast-style' hotel plan for NSW beachside town
Parramatta needs a Jack Mundey
Students always had some difficulty believing that I remembered the first traffic light turned on in Parramatta. The pace of change is such that memories vanish before they can be recorded. In the cradle city of Australia, ‘development’ is about to obliterate significant features of the past.
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has told travellers from Victorian "hotspots" not to come and urged accommodation providers in her state to turn visitors from Melbourne away.
The Insecam website broadcasts live streams of compromised (or hacked) web-connected security cameras and webcams, with dozens of Australian businesses and homes featuring on the site at any one time.
Australian security cameras hacked, streamed on a Russian-based websiteWe
IRS says it bought in to location database for millions of US cellphones to track tax crime suspects Boing Boing. Not sure how cellphone data would help track the really wealthy….
A tale of two cybers – how threat reporting by cybersecurity firms systematically underrepresents threats to civil society Journal of Information Technology and Politics
Tenino, Washington prints its own currency.
Justice impossible with secret trials
Over in the United States, a former national security adviser to Donald Trump, John Bolton, has a book about to hit the newsstands. It is very critical of, and indiscreet about, his former boss. It shows Trump double dealing with China, approving, not disapproving of its persecution and detention of the Uighars, and seeking China’s help in securing re-election by buying soybeans and wheat.Continue reading
We Need Better Masks Harvard Business Review. So make a market with a universal masking requirement.
Californians must wear masks outside home under new state order San Francisco Chronicle
Here are Arizona cities’ responses to a possible mandatory face mask
The Atlantic – “Enormous differences separate today’s protest movements from those of the 1960s. But they may ultimately prove united by the magnitude of the change they impose… Today’s long wave of protest shares one other quality with its predecessor: It has changed popular culture and the contours of public opinion more quickly than it has public policy or the nation’s electoral landscape. Now, as then, an electoral system that favors older generations—through structural imbalances that favor rural states with older and less diverse voters—is responding slowly to calls for change from younger Americans.
Bloody Vics!
Déjà vu all over again. In the dim, dark ages before I even arrived in Canberra, I was writing stories about the Victorian branch of the Australian Labor Party – its bullying exclusion, its factional resistance to change, its impotent failure to rise from opposition to offer its disillusioned supporters even a sniff of electoral victory at either a state or federal level. Continue reading
Scientists’ warning on affluence Nature
“Workers Are Being Told to Shut Up and Work” Jacobin
Pseudo-materialism and class identityCarl Beijer
Poorest seniors shut out of California’s coronavirus meal program Los Angeles Times
Quotas Can Help Fix the Glaring Whiteness of America’s C-SuitesBloomberg
Socialism and the Argument against Race Reductionism Adloph Reed, New Labor Forum