'More deserving people': Mike Baird humbled by his award
The former NSW premier left a lucrative banking career to enter state politics in 2007 as the member for Manly.

Michael Gibson still remembers his first day working for Peter Thiel. Like many of Thiel’s hires, he’d met the contrarian investor through several of the PayPal founder’s variously eccentric political ventures. A onetime self-described “unemployed writer in L.A.,” who’d left a doctoral program in philosophy at Oxford, Gibson had met Thiel through his work at the Seasteading Institute, a Thiel-funded attempt to create a libertarian “floating city” in international waters. Then Thiel asked him to help teach a class at Stanford Law School on philosophy, technology, and politics
Mirit Eyal-Cohen (Alabama), Unintended Legislative Inertia, 55 Ga. L. Rev. ___ (2020):
Institutional and political forces create strong inertial pressures that make the updating of legislation a difficult task. As a result, laws and regulations often stagnate, leading to the continued existence of obsolete rules and policies that serve long-forgotten purposes. Recognizing the inertial power of past policies, legislatures over the last few decades have increasingly relied on a perceived solution — temporary legislation. In theory, this measure avoids inertia because it requires legislators to make a deliberate choice to extend it.
Zoom Transforms Hype Into Huge Jump in Sales, Customers Bloomberg. “Free users for sure we don’t want to give that because we also want to work together with FBI, with local law enforcement in case some people use Zoom for a bad purpose,” [CEO Eric Yuan] said on the call.”