NOEL TURNBULL. Who cares about scandals, incompetence and corruption?
Recently the New Daily ran two Michael Pascoe pieces exposing a $2.5 billion regional grants program rort 25 times bigger than the sports rorts. Forwarding it on to someone elicited the surprising response: “Who cares?” Continue reading
Norway v Australia: crisis makes the case for a sovereign wealth fund incontestable
An obsession with “balancing the budget” has left Australia is under-funded despite its immense wealth. A dual citizen of Norway and Australia, Kim Wingerei laments the lost opportunity of a century, the failure of our political classes to establish a sovereign wealth fund. But it’s still not too late to stop the flood of our natural resources overseas
Why We Don’t Collectively Dream Big Anymore

An interesting overview.
Amazon’s New Competitive Advantage: Putting Its Own Products First - Pro Publica – “Brands have long been able to bid for the premier slot at the top left of Amazon’s listings, but during the pandemic the online retailer has begun using this position for its private-label items, raising antitrust concerns

AMC Says It Will Reopen Its Cinemas Worldwide In July. Here’s Why It Needs To.
HAMILTON & KELLS: Amid the pandemic and the biggest economic calamity since the GFC, Australia’s top public institutions are showing their worth by speaking truth to power. |
AWKWARD: Who’s responsible for picking up the pieces when an eligible worker gets left out of the JobKeeper program? That’s the question being asked in the Fair Work Commission, the Senate, and on ATO forums. |