WE ALL KNOW ONE: Psycho (1960) remains Hitchcock’s most celebrated film. But it is really two films, glued together by the most iconic scene in cinema history. |

Curvy bras: Plus-size online retailer increases sales during coronavirus lockdown
How To Write A Novel: A Practical Guide

The most important point to start from is that while there are a number of things you should consider when planning your book – such as characterisation, plotting or the style and voice of your work – there is no single golden rule for how to write a novel. – Psyche
The importance of street trees to urban avifauna, Eric M. Wood and Sevan Esaian 11 June 2020 Ecological Applications 2020 e02149: “Street trees are public resources planted in a municipality’s right‐of‐way and are a considerable component of urban forests throughout the world. Street trees provide numerous benefits to people. However, many metropolitan areas have a poor understanding of the value of street trees to wildlife, which presents a gap in our knowledge of conservation in urban ecosystems. Greater Los Angeles (LA) is a global city harboring one of the most diverse and extensive urban forests on the planet.