“The biographer at work,” Janet Malcolm writes, “is like the professional burglar, breaking into a house, rifling through certain drawers that he has good reason to think contain the jewelry and money, and triumphantly bearing his loot away.” Malcolm’s book The Silent Woman: Sylvia Plath & Ted Hughes (reissued by Granta in 2020) insists that writers and readers of biography are equally guilty of “voyeurism and busybodyism”: they tiptoe down the corridor together and gaze through the keyhole. The apparatus of serious scholarship in a literary biography is simply a veneer that lends respectability to the snooping.
Jenny Bilfield: Making The Transition To Meaningful Online

“There ius every obstacle to creating art, and yet art is being created and art is being shared. It’s being done by both professionals and amateurs, by people in their homes in ways that you never would’ve expected it would thrive. Art is a portal into how we’re experiencing this.” – Washingtonian
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