Friday, June 19, 2020

Useful list of top economics blogs

In 1911 Einstein moved to Prague, becoming part of an intellectual milieu that would influence Central Europe for decades to come  

“It is ideas, not vested interests, which are dangerous for good or evil,” wrote Keynes. But his own story points to ideas'  limited power 

A Deep Dive Into The Alternative Universe Of YouTube

Popular YouTube videos are filled with flashes of memes, zoom-ins, funny voices, gurning faces and whiplash-inducing cultural references. Watching a Pewdiepie video is like having some sort of episode. I thought that my generation of Generation X-ers were knowingly abstract, but this generation is dealing with so many layers of whimsy and reference it’s often disorienting. – Irish Times

Deadliest Corporate Crime in U.S. Will End With 84 Guilty Pleas Bloomberg PG&E