The complaint against Michael Moore and Jeff Gibbs alleges that a few seconds of Mr Smith’s 2015 film Rare Earthenwarewere used without his permission.
YouTube removes controversial Michael Moore film Planet of the Humans after copyright infringement complaint
Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary | Directed by Jeff Gibbs
Mining Parliamentary Speeches for Insights - Harvard Dataverse: “ParlSpeech V2 contains complete full-text vectors of more than 6.3 million parliamentary speeches in the key legislative chambers of Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, covering periods between 21 and 32 years. Meta-data include information on date, speaker, party, and partially agenda item under which a speech was held. The accompanying release note provides a more detailed guide to the data. (2020-03-11)…”
Drug dealers turn corporate by selling customer databases for more than $180,000 MarketWatch (resilc)Signaling a new era, some Weil associates are now billing more than $1,000 per hour—a milestone that was surpassed only about a decade ago at the level of Big Law partners—making it one of the first firms to break that pricey barrier.
American Capitalism: From an April 17th Facebook post by Paul Field, a succinct summary of how the pandemic exposes American deficiencies. It’s tough to not just quote the whole thing, so here’s the beginning:
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you need to know how silly you look if you post some variation of, “Welcome to Socialism…”You are not seeing Socialism. What you are seeing is one of the wealthiest, geographically advantaged, productive capitalist societies in the world flounder and fail at its most basic test. Taking care of its people.This crisis is not about the virus.This crisis is about the massive failure of our, “Booming economy,” to survive even modest challenges. It is about the market dissonance of shortages in stores, even as farmers/producers destroy unused crops and products. This crisis is about huge corporations needing an emergency bailout within days of the longest Bull Market in our history ending and despite the ability to borrow with zero percent interest rates.
The pandemic has revealed that American democracy and our economic system is extremely fragile. Ok, unless you’re wealthy, in which case you’re going to be fine, all part of the plan, etc.
Via Lou in LA: George Floyd protest updates: LA appeals for National Guard as looting spreads
George Floyd, Minneapolis Protests, Ahmaud Arbery & Amy Cooper | The Daily Social Distancing Show
Over 2000 people died after receiving Centrelink robo-debt notice, figures reveal
George Floyd, Minneapolis Protests, Ahmaud Arbery & Amy Cooper | The Daily Social Distancing Show
Over 2000 people died after receiving Centrelink robo-debt notice, figures reveal
Chinese general threatens attack on Taiwan to stop independence
Although China has never renounced the use of force, it is rare for a top, serving military officer to so explicitly make the threat in a public setting.
The attempted heist on Angelee Basset's retirement savings had the hallmarks of a skilled cyber-criminal sting — stolen identity records, a stealthy hack through a government website and a mysterious bank account waiting to receive the cash.
Check your super balance. Australians scammed out of thousands via the coronavirus early release schemeScammers are taking advantage of the
Government's early release superannuation scheme to steal money from
Australians' nest eggs, and loopholes in myGov security could have something to
do with it.
Thousands of dollars disappear overnight as scammers use myGov to steal super
Symposium, Taxpayer Rights: All the Angles, 91 Temp. L. Rev. 679-830 (2019):
Alice G. Abreu (Temple), Foreword: Taxpayer Rights: All the Angles, 91 Temp. L. Rev. 679 (2019)
- T. Keith Fogg (Harvard), Can the Taxpayer Bill of Rights Assist Your Clients?, 91 Temp. L. Rev. 705 (2019)
- Richard K. Greenstein (Temple), Rights, Remedies, and Justice: The Paradox of Taxpayer Rights, 91 Temp. L. Rev. 743 (2019)
- Leslie Book (Villanova), Giving Taxpayer Rights a Seat at the Table, 91 Temp. L. Rev. 759 (2019)
- Jennifer J. Lee (Temple), Operationalizing Language Access Rights For Limited English Proficient Taxpayers, 91 Temp. L. Rev. 791 (2019)
- Michelle Drumbl (Washington & Lee), Tax Attorneys as Defenders of Taxpayer Rights, 91 Temple L. Rev. 813 (2019) (reviewed by Hayes Holderness (Richmond) here).
- The Sydney Morning Herald · ... defamation claim filed against it in the Federal Court. Daniel Taylor, also known as Daniel Ibrahim,...Ibrahim, pictured with a copy of his book Last King of the Cross, is writing another memoir ... Domican told media following his defamation win against John Ibrahim last September.
More than a dozen heavy Sydney criminals were killed in the second half of the 1980s in what has usually been described as turf wars over heroin distribution.
Among those cited as major players in the conflict were corrupt detective Roger Rogerson, heroin dealer and armed robber Neddy Smith and hitman Flannery.Mr Ibrahim was involved in his own defamation case this year when he was sued over Last King of the...