The New York Times – We know that. But the “privacy paradox” means we still act like we are. “…To fully apprehend our vulnerabilities as digital creatures would require far too much time and energy. More than that: It would require an entirely new set of instincts, a radically different cognitive framework from the one we now possess…So we carry on. Even though everyone is mutely collecting our queries, preferences, fetishes, anxieties. Google. Amazon. Facebook. YouTube. Pandora. Pinterest. The Weather Channel. Reddit. Wikipedia. Major League Baseball. PornHub. Zillow. Your newspaper. Your bank. Your phone carrier. Everyone. Danah Boyd, the founder of the Data & Society Research Institute, perhaps put it best when she wrote we are “public by default, private through effort.”…

I THINK GENERAL MATTIS AND NICK GREINER SAID SOMETHING SIMILAR: Justice Thomas: “I really don’t have a lot of stress. I cause stress.”
YET ANOTHER REASON NOT TO TRUST THE INTERNET OF THINGS: That major Google outage meant some Nest users couldn’t unlock doors or use the AC

Social Media Terms: The Difference Between Creators And Influencers

The current distinction between creators and influencers has much more to do with what platform a person gains her fame on than her gender. – The Atlantic
How Social Media Is Distorting The Value Hierarchy Of Higher Education

“The tools and rules of social media are increasingly swallowing up scholarly work, whether we join the new platforms or not. Where once discernment, hard-won expertise, and glacial, scrupulous scholarship read by only a small cabal of peers carried real weight, the research agenda is now driven by an economy of clicks, likes, follows, and retweets.” – Chronicle of Higher Education
I THINK GENERAL MATTIS AND NICK GREINER SAID SOMETHING SIMILAR: Justice Thomas: “I really don’t have a lot of stress. I cause stress.”
YET ANOTHER REASON NOT TO TRUST THE INTERNET OF THINGS: That major Google outage meant some Nest users couldn’t unlock doors or use the AC
New prosecution unit to chase assets of corrupt MPs
A new prosecution unit to pursue corrupt public officials will be to freeze and seize assets.