“You have no right to see your characters as good or bad. Such words have nothing to do with people you write about. Other people see them that way. “
Lillian Hellman (interviewed by Anne Hollander and John Marquand), “The Art of Theater No. 1,” Paris Review, Winter/Spring 1965
ROBERT FISK. The final punishment of Julian Assange. (Counterpunch 3.6.2019)
Shame and the fear of accountability for what has been done by our “security” authorities, not the law-breaking of leakers, is what this is all about. Continue reading
KIM WINGEREI The Battle of the One Percent
This election proved to be no exception after all – politics is a battle over small margins, apathy reigns supreme among voters, the particracy rules and democracy is the loser every time.
Morgan Housel, via
often a big gap between changing the world and convincing people that you
changed the world.
Victor Prince, via
see the world differently to “mere mortals” who never worked in consulting.
Tax scam accused pad for sale |
The Sunday Telegraph |
Sunday 16th June 2019 |
THE Woollahra residence of Daniel Hausman
has been listed for sale. The property developer is one of the alleged
beneficiaries of the biggest tax fraud in Australian history. Company in Parliament security upgrade bungle worked on RBA supervault
A company
that bungled a $14 million security upgrade at Federal Parliament amid
allegations of cocaine use, escorts and debts to Russians was a key
builder of one of the world’s most secure facilities.
The Australian, 12 June 2019. The nation’s
most powerful bureaucrats have described the public service as “slow”,
“reactive” and “siloed” and describe cabinet ministers as obstructive,
disengaged and lacking an interest in making government departments and
agencies more productive. In a short report released ahead of the final review
into the public service by David Theodey, the views of 128 senior mandarins
include a list of issues they are “excited” about, which included “not wasting
taxpayers’ money”, “less bureaucracy” and removing “levels in the hierarchy”
across departments.
Compass points to leader
Mandy Jenkins will lead The Compass Experiment, an attempt by McClatchy and the Google News Initiative to explore sustainable local news models.
Mandy Jenkins has been named general manager of The
Compass Experiment, a three-year effort by McClatchy and the Google News
Initiative to explore new sustainable models for local news. Jenkins will lead
the effort to launch three digital-only local news sites in communities that
don’t have access to significant local sources of news and information. Those
communities have yet to be chosen.
Jenkins, who will start next week, is president of the board of
directors for the Online News Association and is completing a nine-month John
S. Knight journalism fellowship at Stanford University. She has worked at
Storyful, Huffington Post Politics, TBD, the Cincinnati Enquirer and Milwaukee
Journal Sentinel.
a blog post, Jenkins, who will be based in Washington, D.C., but travel
extensively, wrote that The Compass Experiment would prefer to go to
communities with populations of 60,000 to 300,000 that are not near a major
city and either have no local news or recently lost a local news provider. The
project is close to naming its first community.
Artist Shawn Feeney worked as a forensic artist for a few years and was inspired by that experience to produce BFF, a project where he combined the faces of pairs of friends into composite portraits, and then pairs of those composites into composite drawings, and so on until a single composite remained from 128 initial faces. Here are two of the quarterfinalist brackets:

And in this video, you get a closer look at the complete bracket and how the lineage of each starting drawing develops through the generations:
This reminds me of the software-averaged faces of people from different countries around the world and also Jason Salavon’s work like the combination of all the couch gags from The Simpsons and Every Playboy Centerfold (SFW).
drowned them all’: Billboard displayed in Tehran broadcast a video of
US and Israeli ships being destroyed just days before attack on Gulf
vessels as experts warn of chilling similarities with 1980s ‘Tanker
Meanwhile over at the Grauniad, “Jeremy Corbyn says there is ‘no credible evidence’ of Iran’s involvement.”
Meanwhile over at the Grauniad, “Jeremy Corbyn says there is ‘no credible evidence’ of Iran’s involvement.”