Jozef Imrich, name worthy of Kafka, has his finger on the pulse of any irony of interest and shares his findings to keep you in-the-know with the savviest trend setters and infomaniacs.
''I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center.''
-Kurt Vonnegut
7 Signs Your Organization is NOT Ready for the Future of Work
“Breath is the finest gift of nature. Be grateful for this wonderful gift.”
Amit Ray,
Beautify your Breath - Beautify your Life It's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves
U.S. intelligence agencies have labeled Confucius Institutes as threats because of their associations with the Chinese Communist Party, according to reports obtained by the Washington Free Beacon last year.
“The [Chinese Communist Party] provides ‘strings-attached’ funding to academic institutions and think tanks to deter research that casts it in a negative light,” the unclassified portion of the report reads. “It has used this tactic to reward pro-China viewpoints and coerce Western academic publications and conferences to self-censor. The CCP often denies visas to academics who criticize the regime, encouraging many China scholars to preemptively self-censor so they can maintain access to the country on which their research depends.”
Last year, Congress responded to these fears by passing a bill, first introduced by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, restricting Department of Defense funding for Chinese language learning from colleges that host Confucius Institutes. President Donald Trump signed that legislation into law.
Despite legislative efforts, 91 Confucius Institutes remain across the country, according to data supplied by the National Association of Scholars. While a majority of the institutes are hosted on college campuses, a handful of the institutions are at K-12 schools.
It is true that the raven croaks, the dog barks, and the lion roars. But animal voices are only chinks in the silence. It is as though the animal were trying to tear open the silence with the force of its own body.
'A dog barks today exactly as it barked at the beginning of Creation', says Jacob Grimm. That is why the barking of dogs is so desperate, for it is the vain effort, since the beginning of the creation until the present day, to split the silence open, and this attempt to break the silence of creation is always a moving thing to man.
Picard, The World of Silence
Apelles, the famous painter, wished to reproduce the foam from a horse's mouth in a painting. He was not able to get it right, and decided to give up. So, he threw the sponge he used to wipe his brushes against the painting. When the sponge hit the painting, it produced nothing other than an imitation of the horse's foam. In the same way, the Skeptics start off like other philosophers, seeking peace of mind in firmness and confidence in their judgements. When they do not achieve it, they suspend their judgement. No sooner than they do this than, by pure chance, peace of mind accompanies the suspension of judgement, like a shadow follows a body.
GDPR is officially one year old. How have the first 12 months gone? As you can see from the mix of data and anecdotes below, it appears that compliance costs have been astronomical; individual “data rights” have led to unintended consequences; “privacy protection” seems to have undermined market competition; and there have been large unseen — but not unmeasurable! — costs in forgone startup investment. So, all-in-all, about what we expected.
GDPR cases and fines
Here is the latest data on cases and fines released by the European Data Protection Board: