Friday, December 08, 2023

Are We “Addicted” To Social Media? A New Study Puts The Notion To The Test

The CEO position is a paradoxical exercise akin to walking a tightrope over a high wire. CEOs are not superhuman; in fact, they follow a very fundamental law of nature: neither the smartest nor the strongest species survives, but rather the one that can best adjust to change.

Research finds that renting ages you faster than smoking, obesity

NEWS YOU CAN USE:  7.3 Months Without Alcohol Lets Brains Repair Damage From Heavy Drinking, Study Finds.

Are We “Addicted” To Social Media? A New Study Puts The Notion To The Test

A small but thoughtful new study in PLOS One calls into question whether addiction is the right term for heavy social media use, and suggests digital detox, at least over the short term, may not have much impact on mental health at all. - Nautilus

 As one wag put it, the key to getting published in an academic journal involves five steps: Don’t pick an important problem, don’t challenge existing beliefs, don’t obtain surprising results, don’t use simple methods, and don’t write clearly. A serious look at the scientific literature reveals that much of it is scientifically meaningless.

Watch the tsp called intelligence officers…

Why Research Fraud Is Getting Worse

ATO disqualifies 223 trustees for September quarter

The September update of the disqualified trustees register published 29 November shows 223 trustees have been added.

Published 7 December 2023

As the regulator of SMSFs, we can disqualify an individual from being a trustee (or director of a corporate trustee) of a self-managed super fund (SMSF) if:

  • they don't comply with the super laws, or
  • we are concerned about their suitability to be a trustee.

For the September 2023 quarter we have disqualified 223 SMSF trustees which have now been added to our disqualified trustees registerExternal Link.

We continue to take firm action against trustees who persistently fail to comply with their obligations and seriously breach the superannuation laws.

If you are a trustee who has breached the superannuation laws, we recommend you rectify the contravention as soon as possible. Otherwise, you are putting your retirement savings and fund's complying status at risk.

You should also consider using our SMSF early engagement and voluntary disclosure service. If you voluntarily disclose contraventions before we commence an audit, we will take this into account when deciding what actions we need to take.

Looking for the latest news for SMSFs? – You can stay up to date by visiting our SMSF newsroom and subscribingExternal Link to our monthly SMSF newsletter.

A History of Bookmaking, From Scrolls to Scrolling

HyperAllergic: “If you’re shopping for the bibliophile on your list this holiday season (or you are said bibliophile), look no further! The Book by Design: The Remarkable Story of the World’s Greatest Invention (2023, University of Chicago Press) is an ambitious compendium that seeks to catalog and analyze the history of the book in myriad forms — from illuminated manuscripts to the illuminated screen of your Kindle; from scrolls to scrolling.

 Along the way, the book explores standouts from the British Library’s collection of historic manuscripts dating back to the 7th century and spanning millennia of international human effort and innovation in book form. Edited by P.J.M. Marks, curator of bookbindings at the British Library, and Stephen Parkin, curator of the library’s printed heritage collections spanning 1450 to 1600, each chapter by an individual author is dedicated to an important or iconic work in the history of bookmaking…

While we understand generally that books have been a part of human society for a long time, this collection of historical manuscripts highlights the incredible effort and resources people around the world have dedicated to setting down some of the human experience in bound-and-printed form. If you’re curious about 19th-century techniques for American publisher binding, hoping for a deep-dive on typeface development, or want to learn about the art of the palm-leaf book and its relationship with the last birth tale of Buddha, this is the read for you. Book by Design seeks to close the book on book-related inquiry”