Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Tax Sanctions And The Russia-Ukraine Conflict

If with all your effort and might you do not reach the mountain top that is not failure; failure is that you did not even try.

Hearings for the Robodebt Royal Commission have now concluded. Videos of each hearing day are available on our YouTube channel: youtube.com/@robodebtroyal You can also read the transcripts and view exhibits for each hearing block on our website

Tax Sanctions And The Russia-Ukraine Conflict

HACKED RESUME GIVES INSIDE LOOK AT WAGNER GROUP FOUNDER YEVGENY PRIGOZHIN The five-page document mentions a 1993 visit to the U.S. and a fantasy book the Russian mercenary leader co-wrote with his children.

The Alarming Rise of India’s Pay-to-Breathe Industry Wired

KPMG issued a clean audit report on the 31 December 2022 accounts of Silicon Valley Bank on 24 February 2023. That's another negligence claim in the making and another addition to the grand catalogue of audit failures. Audit reform is massively overdue. sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archiv

Bank of Sillicon Valley

Chat with any PDF – “A chatting PDF? Why? This is the age of the AI revolution! Intelligence will be free and ubiquitous soon, restructuring our society and enabling new possibilities of interaction. With ChatPDF, your documents are becoming intelligent! Just talk to your PDF file as if it were a human with perfect understanding of the content. What is this useful for? 
It works great to quickly extract information from large PDF files. Try talking to manuals, essays, legal contracts, books or research papers. ChatPDF can not yet understand images in PDFs and might struggle with questions that require understanding more than a few paragraphs at the same time. How does it work? 
The PDF is analyzed first to create a semantic index of every paragraph. When asking a question the relevant paragraphs are presented to a text-generation AI similar to ChatGPT. Your data is saved in a secure cloud storage and deleted after 7 days.”

The Atlantic, The Vindication of Ask Jeeves: “Garrett Gruener, the co-creator of Ask Jeeves, couldn’t beat Google, but he’s feeling just fine about the dawn of the chatbot era. It was a simpler time. 
A friend introduced us, pulling up a static yellow webpage using a shaky dial-up modem. A man stood forth, dressed in a dapper black pinstriped suit with a red-accented tie. He held one hand out, as if carrying an imaginary waiter’s tray. He looked regal and confident and eminently at my service. “Have a Question?” he beckoned. 
“Just type it in and click Ask!” And ask, I did. Over and over. With his steady hand, Jeeves helped me make sense of the tangled mess of the early, pre-Google internet. He wasn’t perfect—plenty of context got lost between my inquiries and his responses. 
Still, my 11-year-old brain always delighted in the idea of a well-coiffed man chauffeuring me down the information superhighway. But things changed. Google arrived, with its clean design and almost magic ability to deliver exactly the answers I wanted. Jeeves and I grew apart. Eventually, in 2006, Ask Jeeves disappeared from the internet altogether and was replaced with the more generic Ask.com. Many years later, it seems I owe Jeeves an apology: He had the right idea all along. 
Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence and the stunning popularity of generative-text tools such as ChatGPT, today’s search-engine giants are making huge bets on AI search chatbots. In February, Microsoft revealed its Bing Chatbot, which has thrilled and frightened early users for its ability to scour the internet and answer questions (not always correctly) with convincingly human-sounding language. 
The same week, Google demoed Bard, the company’s forthcoming attempt at an AI-powered chat-search product. But for all the hype, when I stare at these new chatbots, I can’t help but see the faint reflection of my former besuited internet manservant…”