Sunday, March 05, 2023

For Writers, Failure Has Increased Exponentially. Failure Now Defines The Writing Life

". . . [E]very book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute." 

— George Orwell, "1984"

Grotesque, comical, cruel: Kafka's drawingsshow that he was serious about the visual as well as the verbal  

In 1995 an amateur artist spotted a dusty, wood-panel painting in an antique shop. Was it a Raphael? The question can’t be  answered 

To Open Their Bookshop, All They Had To Do Was Change An Entire City Ordinance

To be fair, it's a combination bookshop and wine bar. Therein lay the rub for Bliss Books. - KSHB (Kansas City) 

For Writers, Failure Has Increased Exponentially. Failure Now Defines The Writing Life

Rejection is the river in which we swim.

I’ve known writers who used to submit, literally, the manuscript of a work. It might loiter for six months in some publisher’s office before being returned. Under the conditions of print, a dozen failures a year were difficult to accumulate. Today, if you work at it, you can fail a dozen times before lunch. 
And rejection has never been easier. Digital technology has allowed people to be rejected at exponentially higher rates. I’ve known writers who used to submit, literally, the manuscript of a work. It might loiter for six months in some publisher’s office before being returned by way of a self-addressed stamped envelope. Under the conditions of print, a dozen failures a year were difficult to accumulate. Today, if you work at it, you can fail a dozen times before lunch.
- The Atlantic

The Devil’s Milkshake Tarance Ray, The Baffler