Thursday, May 05, 2022

How 20th Century Literary Analysis Came To Be


For An Audiobook To Be Good, It Needs More Than A Good Narrator

While the good narrator (or narrators) is essential, truly good audiobooks also need the right atmosphere - and sometimes the right music. - NPR

Molten Iron Fireworks


The Wild West Outpost of Japan’s Isolationist EraNarratively

Best Spy Books Five Books. Lots of  personal favorites on these lists, including Eric Ambler, John le Carré, Erskine Childers, Fitzroy MacLean, and Olivia Manning. Ben Macintyre weighs in with recommendations, but no one else mentions his excellent books – try Operation Mincemeat, Double Cross, or Agent Zigzag if you’ve not yet had the pleasure.

The Hidden History of Marijuana Narratively

La Digue: The Seychelles’ tropical biking paradiseBBC

These hackers showed just how easy it is to target critical infrastructure MIT Technology Review

Anna Quindlen on the Power of Writing by HandLiterary Hub

Handwriting Has A Power That Computers Can Never Create

"When you’ve written something by hand, the only person who could have done it is you. It’s unmistakable you wrote this, touched it, laid hands and eyes upon it. Something written by hand is a piece of your personality on paper. Typed words are not a fair swap." - LitHub

How 20th Century Literary Analysis Came To Be

In the prewar period, university professors were apt to make vague aesthetic judgments about a book’s “beauty” or “soul” before lobbing in a few comments about the author’s mother or the publishing practices of the time. Richards’s students, by contrast, were asked to exclude all such background blather. - The Guardian