Monday, May 16, 2022

Dusty Bottles - I Had My Wish: I dreamt of escaping communism


I’m a writer, but then nobody’s perfect.”

"Be confident, but not cocky. All writing is an act of vanity. Which is why so many writers are insufferable jackasses." And other writing  advicefrom Matt Labash  On the other side of river  

When literary London was all cutthroat gossip, boozy lunches, men behaving badly, and parties, parties, parties  Dance me to the end of love

Am I as old as I am?
Maybe not. Time is a mystery
that can tip us upside down.
Yesterday I was seven in the woods,
a bandage covering my blind eye,
in a bedroll Mother made me
so I could sleep out in the woods
far from people. A garter snake glided by
without noticing me. A chickadee
landed on my bare toe, so light
she wasn’t believable. The night
had been long and the treetops
thick with a trillion stars. Who
was I, half-blind on the forest floor
who was I at age seven? Sixty-eight
years later I can still inhabit that boy’s
body without thinking of the time between.
It is the burden of life to be many ages
without seeing the end of time.

Jim Harrison, “Seven in the Woods” 

“Dusty bottles pour a finer glass of wine

An old beat-up guitar just sounds better

And wisdom only comes with time

I can spot mistakes before they happen

Separate the BS from the truth.”

Dusty Bottles

The Guitar as the Instrument of Seducers The Honest Broker

Just embarrassing': Young people have lost all confidence in politicians, survey shows

       Kawakami Mieko profile 

       At Max Liu profiles Mieko Kawakami on All the Lovers In The Night: ‘I find the hells young people go through compelling’
       Among her comments:

“I have been surprised by the success of my work in English,” says Kawakami, 45, who now lives in Tokyo with her husband and her son. “What really surprises me, though, is the actual act of translation. It’s just mind-blowing how translation transforms a story into a completely different language with different letters and sentence structures but still gets the heart of the narrative across.”

“Coming downstairs

I saw that my wife, before driving to her yoga,

had sweetly left lunch on the counter for me.

There was a bit of fish left over from last night,

not bad if not exciting, the dwarf tomatoes

that made a near-bruschetta on my bread,

and radishes, because she knows I like them

with my toast and butter. The Pavoni, recently repaired,

made me a nice espresso, not far beneath

the famous coffee from the Tazza d’Oro.

Done, I stretched on the sofa in the den

for my customary doze, and here I slid,

snug, into my death: no doctors, no hospitals.


“I had my wish.”

Jozef: In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself.
— Jiddu Krishnamurti, born in 1895

How did 81-1 longshot Rich Strike win the Kentucky Derby? Watch this StarTribune (Chuck L). Time was still pretty fast, in the top 50 for the Derby historically. I noticed even in the NBC video (admittedly on a second viewing) that the jockey really had to maneuver Rich Strike at the top of the home stretch around a horse on the inside. 

This video shows him almost forcing his way between two horses a bit earlier. However, Rich Strike deserves full marks for having quite a kick in the last furlong.

Finding Purpose & Meaning In Life: Living for What Matters Most–A Free Online Course from the University of Michigan  - Open Culture Open Culture: “From the University of Michigan comes a course for our disorienting times–Finding Purpose and Meaning In Life: Living for What Matters Most. Taught by Vic Strecher, a professor in the Schools of Public Health and Medicine, the course promises students this:

In this course, you’ll learn how science, philosophy and practice all play a role in both finding your purpose and living a purposeful life. You will hear from historical figures and individuals about their journeys to finding and living a purposeful life, and will walk through different exercises to help you find out what matters most to you so you can live a purposeful life.

By the end of the course, students will:

1. Understand that having a strong purpose in life is an essential element of human well-being.
2. Know how self-transcending purpose positively affects well-being.
3. Be able to create a purpose for your life (don’t be intimidated, this is different from creating “the purpose” for your life).
4. Apply personal approaches and skills to self-change and become and stay connected to your purpose every day.

To take the course for free, selection the Audit Only option available upon registration…”

Overworked and Underpaid Capital and Main