The trial of former tax deputy commissioner Michael Cranston is set to resurrect questions about the tax office's integrity and put its reputation back in the dock.
Adam Michael Cranston, Mr Cranston's son, was one of 14 people arrested in the Plutus Payroll tax scandal
You Can Never Hide From Your Boss ... or perhaps dipping into Slack or Yammer to see what coworkers were talking about.
* Naked Conversations: Review and Analysis of Scoble and Israel ... - Google Books Result
CEOs can create a high- definition live event in Microsoft Stream, Teams or Yammer, invite people to join in and interact with u
The trial of former tax deputy commissioner Michael Cranston is set to resurrect questions about the tax office's integrity and put its reputation back in the dock.
Adam Michael Cranston, Mr Cranston's son, was one of 14 people arrested in the Plutus Payroll tax scandal
You Can Never Hide From Your Boss ... or perhaps dipping into Slack or Yammer to see what coworkers were talking about.
* Naked Conversations: Review and Analysis of Scoble and Israel ... - Google Books Result
* Naked Conversations: Review and Analysis of Scoble and Israel ... - Google Books Result
CEOs can create a high- definition live event in Microsoft Stream, Teams or Yammer, invite people to join in and interact with u
The pros and cons of Yammer

On the one hand, I like the idea of a social media tool that brings people together within a company or institution. Despite the fact OP is a small educational institution and is pretty much based on one campus, I have heard staff say often that they do not know what everyone else is doing. And there is not enough sharing of ideas and resources within the organization. I think Yammer provides a way of bridging that gap and has the potential of bringing people together in virtual communities of practice. I can see this being even more beneficial to organizations like my other boss, Griffith University, which is a huge university with many departments and campuses spread out all over Queensland.
The other advantage is that it is a "safe" and "gentle" introduction to social media and social networking. People get very nervous about putting themselves "out there" so it is not so much of a risk if your audience is just within your organization. So it is a relatively safe place to play and get your head around social networking.
What I do not like about it is that it is a closed garden. By that I mean it does not encourage the spreading of ideas beyond the organization - it does not encourage networking with the wider world, which is the great strength of social networking.
I am an established user of Facebook and Twitter and am finding Yammer yet another tool to engage with, so I'm not too fussed about having my "work load" increased. I have seen internal virtual communities come and go, and I am not convinced that this will be any different. There will be a small core of people doing all the talking....a bigger number of people who lurk....and the rest will say they haven't got time to read all the posts and discussions. For me, the verdict is out on how effective Yammer will be....
Yammer, which is a type of internal social media platform, is just ... entertaining preamble, Rio Tinto's boss offered his people
As a piece of software that is designed for social media management and everything related to it, Yammer possesses a countless number of advantages in comparison with other similar solutions. The most important positive things that deserve to be mentioned are an ability to share and store digital information with no limits and a way, in which big-sized created groups can be supported by the software itself. Yammer has made our life much easier after having been implemented. With the help of this tool we are able to maintain collaborating processes by interlinking with all our partners and co-workers without any problems. Using Yammer has been really profitable for us so far.
As a piece of software that is designed for social media management and everything related to it, Yammer possesses a countless number of advantages in comparison with other similar solutions. The most important positive things that deserve to be mentioned are an ability to share and store digital information with no limits and a way, in which big-sized created groups can be supported by the software itself. Yammer has made our life much easier after having been implemented. With the help of this tool we are able to maintain collaborating processes by interlinking with all our partners and co-workers without any problems. Using Yammer has been really profitable for us so far.
In my opinion, the most considerable and annoying drawback that can be found in every piece of software with no exceptions is a bugging issue. At this point Yammer isn’t an exception either. It doesn’t bug that often, but sometimes does it at the very wrong time. As for disadvantages that are possessed only by this particular program, I would point out a lack of linking abilities, which makes operating inside our own databases a bit more difficult than it could be.
As a piece of software that is designed for social media management and everything related to it, Yammer possesses a countless number of advantages in comparison with other similar solutions. The most important positive things that deserve to be mentioned are an ability to share and store digital information with no limits and a way, in which big-sized created groups can be supported by the software itself. Yammer has made our life much easier after having been implemented. With the help of this tool we are able to maintain collaborating processes by interlinking with all our partners and co-workers without any problems. Using Yammer has been really profitable for us so far.
In my opinion, the most considerable and annoying drawback that can be found in every piece of software with no exceptions is a bugging issue. At this point Yammer isn’t an exception either. It doesn’t bug that often, but sometimes does it at the very wrong time. As for disadvantages that are possessed only by this particular program, I would point out a lack of linking abilities, which makes operating inside our own databases a bit more difficult than it could be.