Ian Taylor, Chair of the Tax Practitioners Board for the last 6 years will be moving on.
Treasury have advised that exisiting Board member Greg Lewis will be
acting Chair for the next few months pending a permanent appointment.
ICB have worked with Ian and the TPB extensively during this period
and have appreciated Ian's leadership of the Tax Practitioners Board and
its assistance in developing the tax profession.
We wish Ian the best for his next era of continuing his tax
agent practice and enjoying (some non-tax deductible personal) travel.
*TPB Chair Ian Taylor moves on
TPB chair departs role, replacement yet to be named
Accountants Daily by Jotham Lian
KPMG partner Greg Lewis will hold the reins at the Tax Practitioners Board as
chair after the departure of Ian Taylor following six years
at the helm.
The Tax Practitioners Board, which has the power to deregister tax
agents, has embarked on its most ambitious compliance program yet,
targeting a 78,000-strong membership base to enforce professional and
ethical codes of conduct.
In a climate of heightened concern over financial services misconduct, the board announced in December that it had identified $115 million in unpaid Tax Office debts owed by registered tax agents and advisers.
But a broader compliance program in 2019 will involve the investigation of agents encouraging clients to over-claim work expenses and rental deductions, based on a spike in referrals from the Australian Tax Office.
( Note that TPB does not stand for - The Pirate Bay )
The Tax Practitioners Board regulates tax practitioners in order to protect consumers. The TPB aims to assure the community that tax practitioners meet appropriate standards of professional and ethical conduct. Follow us on Twitter @TPB_gov_au and LinkedIn
Tax agents banned following consumer complaints
Tax agents terminated over allegations they stole money from clients
Accountants struck off in misconduct blitz
Time ticks down to pay the piper
Tax Practitioners Board Chair

Ian R Taylor
Ian was a tax partner with KPMG in Melbourne from 1985 to 2006, before establishing his own practice as a registered tax agent. He was previously a senior lecturer in taxation, financial management and accounting at Swinburne University for 13 years, and has also taught at La Trobe University and the Melbourne Business School at Melbourne University. He has a Bachelor of Economics and a Diploma of Education from Monash University and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Melbourne. He is a Fellow of CPA Australia and a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. He has been a committee member and chair of various committees for both CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. Ian commenced as Chair of the TPB in January 2013 and was reappointed in December 2015 for a three-year period.
TPB signals focus on professional standards
Ian Taylor on Tax Talks
ATO reports tax agents over work-related expenses
A different scale': Tax agents struck off over tax refund theft allegations
tax agents have being accused of stealing their clients' tax refunds -
and there is no guarantee they will get the money back.
New online services bring "significant change" for tax agents, says ATO
ATO's new tax agent platform enters public beta
Tax Practitioners Board announces new Secretary | TPB
Towards 2024: Tax in a changing world – change is the new black by Andrew Mills
On one measure
our company tax rate is the third-highest, but we like it that way because it
allows us to give big tax refunds to local shareholders, many of them retirees.
Trusts being used to avoid paying billions in tax, report warns ATO - ABC
We are a high-tax country, because it works well for us