— Storm Jameson born in 1891
Essays and essayists. The form requires a combination of exactitude and evasion, and — on writers’ part — sensitivity, tenderness, and slyness
Last Words — What Do People Really Say Before They Die?
“We have a rich picture of the beginnings of language, thanks to decades of scientific research with children, infants, and even babies in the womb. But if you wanted to know how language ends in the dying, there’s next to nothing to look up, only firsthand knowledge gained painfully.” — The Atlantic
Jackie Chan, with Zhu Mo, Never Grow Up. “My ankle joint pops out of its socket all the time, even when I’m just walking around, and I’ll have to pop it back in. My leg sometimes gets dislocated when I’m showering. For that one, I need my assistant to help me click it back in…I can’t lift heavy objects.” He needed brain surgery after filming Armour of God, and he sustained permanent hearing loss in his left ear. Recommended, if you like the movies. And: “That was how I pursued girls, I overwhelmed them.”
Why is reading in the pub so enjoyable? In praise of a very British pastime Independent
Australia swelters in record temperatures with warmest ever night New Scientist
Sleep expert Matthew Walker on the secret to a good night’s rest FT
New York Times op-ed: Why I Didn’t Answer Your Email: Because My Inbox Will Always Be Waiting For Me, But My Children Will Not, byKJ Dell’Antonia:
Somehow, I have found the so-called “Jesus Prayer,’ to be most helpful – “Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, have mercy on me, a sinner.” One’s life is often filled with prayers for others, and rightly so. But in the lonely hours when you cannot sleep or get comfortable or figure out what it is all about, you realize that you too are now the locus of the reality that is you.
Schall at 91—an Interim Report - The Catholic Thing.
Drawing Helps Us Remember Details Better Than Writing or Taking Photos, a New Study Shows | artnet News
Before Lisbeth Salander: The couple that invented Nordic noir with the Martin Beck series of books Scroll.on
Sitting For Too Long Could Increase Your Risk of Dying – Even if You Exercise.
These poems know that they are governed by a tangled logic. They also, crucially, realize that human life is not always governed by any perceptible logic and do not try to explain the inexplicable to their readers.
The volume begins with the poem “Nowhere,” which in turn begins with the poet returning from his father’s funeral. His gaping loss obviously informs the disorientation that spirals through the poem. He feels he is “nowhere,” he belongs “nowhere,” and his pain is itself “nowhere,” which is the key to this paradox. He offers plenty of details that place him in space and time and give him what we call an identity—yet our commonplace belief is that identity is formed through tangible, explicable alliances and experiences. How can such identity account for absence, grief?
Asymmetry by Adam Zagajewski | World Literature Today
NEWS YOU CAN USE: Wave Goodbye to Gillette.
STRANGE NEWS FROM THE WORLD OF SCIENCE: A Study Found That People Enjoyed Sex More When High Than When Drunk
NEWS YOU CAN USE: New Research: Semen May Actually Cure Depression In Women.
FASTER, PLEASE: Delivery of 45 Age Reversing Gene Therapies at Once is Under Peer Review.. They hope to start treating people in 2025, which would be just right for me, as I leave Late Youth and enter Very Early Middle Age.
Your brain is listening and processing while you sleep
How is that we doze off on a train but suddenly wake when the driver announces our stop? The brain is listening while we sleep, new research reveals
LA’s Battle for Venice Beach: Homeless Surge Puts Hollywood’s Progressive Ideals to the Test Hollywood ReporterThe ABCs of Jacobin Columbia Journalism Review
I’m 47 years old. Two days ago, you sent me an email, which I did not answer. I didn’t answer it, in part, because I am 47 years old.
I appreciated your email. You are a person, who has written an email, and I am a person, who should reply to that email. However, your email arrived on Wednesday afternoon, and just as I opened it, my 16-year-old son came in. He wanted to describe to me an app he is in the process of developing. Then he showed me a funny article someone had sent him, and I showed him a funny article someone had sent me. ...
I was so inspired by this that I abandoned your email, and I applied myself to my work. I would have replied to your email ..., I am certain, except that my 11-year-old daughter came in. ...
Somehow, I have found the so-called “Jesus Prayer,’ to be most helpful – “Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, have mercy on me, a sinner.” One’s life is often filled with prayers for others, and rightly so. But in the lonely hours when you cannot sleep or get comfortable or figure out what it is all about, you realize that you too are now the locus of the reality that is you.
Schall at 91—an Interim Report - The Catholic Thing.
Drawing Helps Us Remember Details Better Than Writing or Taking Photos, a New Study Shows | artnet News
Before Lisbeth Salander: The couple that invented Nordic noir with the Martin Beck series of books Scroll.on
Sitting For Too Long Could Increase Your Risk of Dying – Even if You Exercise.
These poems know that they are governed by a tangled logic. They also, crucially, realize that human life is not always governed by any perceptible logic and do not try to explain the inexplicable to their readers.
The volume begins with the poem “Nowhere,” which in turn begins with the poet returning from his father’s funeral. His gaping loss obviously informs the disorientation that spirals through the poem. He feels he is “nowhere,” he belongs “nowhere,” and his pain is itself “nowhere,” which is the key to this paradox. He offers plenty of details that place him in space and time and give him what we call an identity—yet our commonplace belief is that identity is formed through tangible, explicable alliances and experiences. How can such identity account for absence, grief?
Asymmetry by Adam Zagajewski | World Literature Today
NEWS YOU CAN USE: Wave Goodbye to Gillette.
STRANGE NEWS FROM THE WORLD OF SCIENCE: A Study Found That People Enjoyed Sex More When High Than When Drunk
NEWS YOU CAN USE: New Research: Semen May Actually Cure Depression In Women.
FASTER, PLEASE: Delivery of 45 Age Reversing Gene Therapies at Once is Under Peer Review.. They hope to start treating people in 2025, which would be just right for me, as I leave Late Youth and enter Very Early Middle Age.