The EU Just Made a Dramatic Move to Protect Bees Science Alert
For what Fonetik Porpoise
My body is made of bones. In times of trouble and perplexity I
can bend my limbs and stretch half fish half Fishman in
Excelsis. A luminous aura surrounds all things noumenal.
No need for money money money
Believe me I am not rubbish
A Poet of Distilling
Howe has long been interested in distilling signs and symbols, whether “art objects” or words themselves, into something more revelatory. Considering riddles, lost languages, doubled surfaces, spells, magical thinking, and other elusive forms of expression, Howe sounds the depths.
…Tatranka: I have always been interested in folktales, magic, lost languages, riddles, coincidence, and missed connections. What struck me most was the way [Thek’s] later works, often painted swatches of color spread across sheets of newspaper with single words, phrases, or letters scribbled over the already doubled surface, transformed these so-called “art objects,” into the epiphanies, riddles, spells and magical thinking I experienced one afternoon in the old Whitney Marcel Breuer building.
linguist such as myself is often asked whether Donald Trump’s way of speaking will have an effect on American English of the future. Because American Presidents are seen as standard-bearers and Donald Trump is one of the most flagrantly inarticulate men ever to occupy the office, it is natural to wonder. Many Presidents resonate in our memory with fondly remembered sonorous phrases — “Nothing to fear but fear itself,” “Ask not what your country can do for you” — while Trump gives us “Sad!”, “No collusion!”, “covfefe,” and other assorted helpings of verbal coleslaw.
The truth is that we need not worry that this man will become a linguistic role model. Trump’s language usage reflects less how we will use language than ways that we actually already do.
To what extent is inspiration entangled with intoxication? With writing and alcohol, it's comforting to think being sober is always better. But is it? Becherovka
Who can afford to write? Magazines haven’t raised their rates since the 1950s. Even New Yorker staff writers typically don’t get health insurance Media Dragons
A more truthful representation of reality. The Italian writer Natalia Ginzburg separated storytelling from the self. Contemporary literature is only now catching up... Pain of lonely death
Death and the meaning of life. Have you thought about being composted or cremated? Perhaps donating your body to science? Why we distract ourselves from the fact that we are physical beings Fullest Life
There's no business like the da Vinci business. It's a happy hunting ground for eccentrics and conspiracy theorists. And for a half-century, Martin Kemp has lived among them Bohemian Turks
Czech out piece from Poynter on what Professor Rosen is up to with the Membership Puzzle Project.
Membership as a force multiplier for beat reporting
Just published a "concept paper" for an idea I have been trying to introduce for 11 years. It may take 11 more but I don't care. I think it's a good idea.
Here’s the paper: Join the Beat, a force multiplier for beat reporting. It says we ought to push membership models in news down to the beat level, and describes some simple ways that could work.