“I have read your story ‘On the Road.’ If I were the editor of an
illustrated magazine, I should publish the story with great pleasure;
but here is my advice as a reader: when you depict sad or unlucky
people, and want to touch the reader’s heart, try to be colderrrr—it gives
their grief as it were a background, against which it stands out in
greater relief. As it is, your heroes weep and you sigh. Yes, you must
be cold.”
Anton Chekhov, letter to Lidya Alexyevna Avilov, March 19, 1892 (trans. Constance Garnett) - AC
“West Side Story,” and Leonard Bernstein at 100

Anton Chekhov, letter to Lidya Alexyevna Avilov, March 19, 1892 (trans. Constance Garnett) - AC
“West Side Story,” and Leonard Bernstein at 100

hard to think of a figure in American cultural history more complex and
protean than Leonard Bernstein. For my generation, he was already in
eclipse when we came of age in the ’70s ... read more
`Each One Has Been a Friend'
Eleven years ago I happened on a poem by a poet previously unknown to me that was so good I had to write about it.Maureen Jeffs’ “To My Daughter, My Books” distilled a lot of wisdom and generosity into a small package and it sounded earned, not an empty gesture made public to elicit admiration. Jeffs wrote to thank me and I was touched by her gratitude and the assumption that we belonged to the same tribe – parents and readers.
On Tuesday I picked up the anthology in which I found Jeffs’ poem, It’s Her Voice That Haunts Me Now (1996), and read it again. Then I looked online to see if she had continued writing and discovered that Maureen Jeffs had died in 2015. The internet, among its other gifts, makes it possible to feel guilty and sad over the death of someone on another continent whom we never met. Think about that for a moment. I experienced a pang of guilt for not staying in touch with someone who seemed remarkably thoughtful and interesting. And now we’ll never have that permanently deferred conversation.
Her website, perhaps created by the daughter addressed in the poem, is a fine tribute and preserves some of her poems and stories. As Jeffs writes in the closing lines of “To My Daughter, My Books”:
“Take them and use
Them well, each one has been a friend,
And may the truths you find console.
In these, and in the books I’ve penned,
You’ll find the substance of my soul.”
`Just As My Bad Demons Do'
Kendrick Lamar Did The Pulitzer A Favor By Winning
What Kendrick Lamar’s Win Means For Hip Hop

![]() From 2011, an image of a woman enjoying a walk in the southern Russian region of Dagestan (Photo courtesy of Andrea Bruce) |
Award-winner finds a universal dignity and nobility in her images, far from home
As a kid, Andrea Bruce’s folks uprooted every two years or so,
from one small town to another across the United States.
Her perceptive and dedicated work for National Geographic and
the New York Times in some of the world’s starkest places has been recognized
with the
Anja Niedringhaus Courage in Photojournalism Award, named for the
Pulitzer-winning AP photographer who was killed in 2014 in Afghanistan.
“Andrea was selected for her empathy, her emotional connection
with subjects, and for the dignity that shines through her portfolio,” said
the jurors for the $20,000 Niedringhaus prize from the International Women’s
Media Foundation.
Bruce, who knew Niedringhaus, says she shares her drive to
capture life in places far from the shifting hometowns of her youth. Bruce
says she’s always “trying new approaches to get people to pay attention to
the world outside of themselves. … It keeps you going, because it’s not an
easy goal to accomplish.”
She talks about several of those approaches in our
story on three award-winning photographs she took after Hurricane
Matthew devastated cholera-stricken rural Haiti in October 2016.
Here’s the full look at Bruce
and her mission, but first, here are a few stories you may need to know
for your day ahead.
Quick hits
1980 decision persuaded a judge to reveal Sean Hannity’s secret
conflict-of-interest with President Trump and his lawyer. The key part:
“People in an open society do not demand infallibility from their
institutions. But it is difficult for them to accept what they are prohibited
from observing.” CJR’s Jonathan Peters interviews Rob Balin, the media lawyer
who cited that particular case, prompting a
devastating revelation for those who follow Hannity, Trump and Hannity’s
employer, Fox News.
PARKLAND, THE BOOK: David Hogg and his sister Lauren
are writing “#NeverAgain:
A New Generation Draws the Line," out June 5 by Random House with an
introduction by Emma Gonzalez. In a tweet, David Hogg said he and Lauren will
be using the money from the book to “help heal the community.” In related
news, Dick’s Sporting Goods, which changed its gun protests after the Feb. 14
Parkland killings, says
it will destroy the assault-style rifles and accessories it didn’t sell
by the time it stopped sales, the NYT’s Laura M. Holson reports.
MORE ON 'BAR:' Barbara Bush was a political teacher to Laura Bush, who
would fill her old spot as White House first lady. One lesson: Don’t be late.
The rationale? “You can’t ask people for their vote and then keep them
waiting,” Andrew
H. Malcolm writes. In recent years, Mrs. Bush, who
carried a deep sadness for decades, served as the voice for her husband,
who has been stricken with vascular Parkinson’s disease. For years, she also
showed her backbone,
telling historian Timothy Naftali after one school shooting that she had
banned the Bushes from bringing guns into the house.
BEYOND STARBUCKS: Let’s not fool ourselves; this is an “America problem,” writes
the Washington Post’s Karen Attiah — and journalists should cover it that
way. Pool parties, knocking on a door for directions, walking down a street
with Skittles, returning to your own front door or hanging in your own back
yard — each situation has prompted white brutality. “Black people in America can
be physically eliminated at any time,” Attiah writes, “in any place, for
little reason — whether that means being kicked out of stores, suspended from
school, priced out of their neighborhoods, locked up in jail or put in the
grave.” She ends her essay with these words from Solange Knowles: “Where can
we be free? Where can we be safe? Where can we be black?”
SETTLEMENT: The former Playboy model who claims a 10-month sexual
relationship with Donald Trump has settled her lawsuit with the parent
company of the Trump-friendly National Enquirer, which paid her money for her
story before the 2016 election, buried it and had sought to keep her quiet.
The settlements means that Karen McDougal is
free to tell her story.
there are still plenty of opportunities to go down rabbit holes, but a
“preview” feature activated by hovering gives a quick view of what’s down
there. Related: Why
Wikipedia did it, and how you’re on Wikipedia sometimes when you’re on
another site.
LAUNCHING: Business/tech and general news YouTube channels for the
streaming video network Cheddar, dubbed the “CNBC for millennials.” By
Sara Fischer of Axios. … Apple is launching a new
news subscription service.
FAREWELL: Tampa Bay Times movie critic Steve Persall writes his last star-studded
column at the end of a 25-year run, and says " I want to
declare how cool this job has been outside movie
theaters, a professional life (well, most of the time) so packed with
once-in-a-lifetime experiences that some happened twice, even five times,
like covering the Academy Awards in Los Angeles. A perfect path for someone
raised in the projection booths and concession stands of his father’s
drive-in and single-screen theaters."