and depending on the hour the waves
are rolling in or moving out,
and I say, oh, I am miserable,
what shall—
what should I do? And the sea says
in its lovely voice:
Excuse me, I have work to do.”
― Mary Oliver, A Thousand Latitudional MO'N LM TF CL Mornings
Only the book is eternal, only its covers shall rise above the waves, only the beasts inside, between its pages swarming with life, will survive. And when they see the new land, they will go forth and multiply [. . .] And what is written shall be made flesh and blood and shall be brought to life in all its perfection. And “the lion” shall become a lion, “the horse” will whinny like a horse, “the crow” will fly from the page with an ugly croak . . . And the Minotaur will come out into the light of day
Five things to consider before ordering an online DNA testThe Conversation (DL). Yves: “How about ‘just don’t’?”
“It’s The Cover-Up” – UK Foreign Office Deletes Tweet, Posts False Transcript, Issues New LiesLiberals and the Strike Corey Robin, JacobinTeacher strikes may be more powerful now than ever before Houston ChronicleWhy we need social housing in the US Matt Bruenig, Guardian
Moon of AlabamaBreaking down the Trump administration into what’s normal, what’s abnormal, and what’s truly alarming
↩︎ The Week

The Auralnauts have finished up their epic comedic retelling of the first six episodes of Star Wars with episode 6, The Last Laser Master. Follow Laser Master Duke Dirtfarmer and his friends in the fight against the Empire and its fearsome planet-killing weapon: Laser Moon II.vYou can watch the five other episodes — including Jedi Party, The Friend Zone, and Revenge of Middle Management — in this playlist. For snackier Auralnauts fare, see How to make a blockbuster movie trailer, some Bane outtakes from the Dark Knight Rises, and the Star Wars throne room scene minus the John Williams score.
Dogs see the world very differently from human beings — here’s how it works South China Morning Post
Why Elena Ferrante Doesn’t Like Exclamation Points
“Mainly, this is because I’m afraid of excesses – mine and others’. Sometimes people make fun of me. They say: ‘You want a world without outbursts of joy, suffering, anger, hatred?’ Yes, I want precisely that, I answer. … But as the world isn’t going in that direction, I make an effort, at least in the artificial universe that is delineated by writing, never to exaggerate with an exclamation mark.”
ministers need strategy to protect public servants from media attacks.
"The departure of the director of public prosecutions is just one example where public servants have faced scrutiny from a hostile media. It is time ministers had the courage to challenge unwarranted media attacks." (Civil Service World)
World’s Most Wanted Bank Whistleblower Was Just Arrested, for the Worst Possible Reason Wolf Street
"The departure of the director of public prosecutions is just one example where public servants have faced scrutiny from a hostile media. It is time ministers had the courage to challenge unwarranted media attacks." (Civil Service World)
World’s Most Wanted Bank Whistleblower Was Just Arrested, for the Worst Possible Reason Wolf Street