Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Twitter suppressed stories based on requests from both


When someone leaves you, apart from missing them, apart from the fact that the whole little world you've created together collapses, and that everything you see or do reminds you of them, the worst is the thought that they tried you out and, in the end, the whole sum of parts adds up to you got stamped REJECT by the one you love. How can you not be left with the personal confidence of a passed over British Rail sandwich?

Snapshot of the Twitter Migration DeweySquare DeweySquare:  “In this report, we track, with the most quantifiable data we can, the contours, scope, and direction of the migration as it is at its beginning. Some usersare fully leaving the platform, and many are not going that far yet, but creating new, alternative accounts, hedging their bets in case Twitter descends further into chaos, goes out of business, or crashes and doesn’t return….Some top findings:

  • Twitter itself has seen a jolt of users deactivating accounts at a dramatic and new rate.
  • Mastodon moved up to 7.8+ million accounts created (growing 2.2 million new users since the Musk takeover) and up to today’s 2.6 million monthly active monthly users (growing by more than 2 million new users in the last weeks). They are now steadily growing by
    approximately 1.5 million new users per month.
  • Our scans showed that since the Musk takeover, Mastodon account names have been added to the Twitter bios of 90K+ users and directly mentioned by197K+ users in the last 30 days. This is by far the most of any of the emerging social platform”

New York Times could go dark next Thursday after 1,000 journalists pledged to walk out for 24 hours if their pay bump demands aren’t metDaily Mail

Trader Joe’s workers upset about new work schedule policy: ‘a veiled threat’ Guardian 


Betrayal Steve Waldman. On the rail cramdown


Full List of Senators Who Voted Against Giving Rail Workers Paid Sick Leave New Republic


82-year-old woman arrested for unpaid trash bills in Alabama WLTX 

Taibbi’s reporting — mostly internal email from Twitter — shows that the Biden campaign leveraged Democrat assets in the Twitter moderation team to suppress a news story from The New York Post that would have hurt their candidate in the closing days of the campaign. 

Twitter suppressed stories based on requests from both 

Dems and GOP in 2020, but it favored liberals: Report Fox

‘This will be awesome’: Musk leaks Twitter’s Hunter Biden files Politico. Subhead: “The tech billionaire’s latest move will likely ingratiate him further with conservatives — and plunge the social media platform deeper into political controversy.”

Released Twitter emails show how employees debated how to handle 2020 New York Post Hunter Biden story CNN

Washington Post: “If you’re concerned about your Twitter account, we have gathered some of the most important things you can (and can’t) do right now…

Wirecard - We’re in Denial About the True Cost of a Twitter Implosion : “…But if we judge Twitter’s influence by its active users, we underestimate it massively. It has no peer as a forge of public opinion. In political analysis, publishing, public health, foreign policy, economics, history, the study of race, even in business and finance, Twitter has come to drive who gets quoted in the press. Who opines on TV. Who gets a podcast. In foreign affairs and political analysis, especially, it often determines whom we consider an authority. Almost every academic and journalist I know has come to read Twitter, even if they don’t have accounts. It’s easy to calculate Twitter’s economic value as a company: That’s underpinned by reported ad revenue, $4.51 billion last year (and plummeting fast). But there’s a far, far vaster realm beyond that, what an economist might call the secondary value of Twitter. That encompasses the cash people make out of connections or prestige they develop on Twitter, but also the intangible wealth now vested in its communities and in the sense it offers to people of having a place in the world. That human currency cannot just be ported over, unchanged, to Mastodon. There are whole nations whose political discourse occurs mainly on Twitter. The amount of reputational and social wealth that stands to be lost if Twitter collapses is astounding. Twitter currently functions as perhaps the world’s biggest status bank, and the investments stored in it are terrifyingly unsecured.”