Tuesday, March 08, 2022

10 Cheapest New Cars for 2022

 NEWS YOU CAN USE:  10 Cheapest New Cars for 2022

Stephen Crane’s life followed his art. His dreams became real — then they became  nightmares 

 When 38 Harvard professors defended an accused sexual harasser, a lesson emerged: Brilliant scholars are not always  wise  

ANTIBODIES:  The secret’s in the spikes: Exploring omicron’s ability to escape antibodies.

Missing: Any discussion of innate (T- and B-cell mediated) immunity, which is the most important immune response

Ukraine’s Pain: How the Artworld Has Responded (and how you might too)

For the past week, I’ve been paralyzed by blogger’s block, unable to focus on artworld controversiese that seemed inconsequential

Watch What You Share

Time to pull up and reconsider that lightning-fast reshare impulse: Did the Kremlin make the image you're about to share? (In one prominent case just as Russia's invasion of Ukraine began, it sure did.) - Vice