Thursday, December 24, 2020

Lidka On Christmas Eve

  • Almanac: Chesterton on Christmas
    “Now Christmas is built upon a beautiful and intentional paradox; that the birth of the homeless should be celebrated in every home.” G.K. Chesterton, The Thing Continue reading Almanac: Chesterton on Christmas at About Last Night.... Read more


Eating with Italian futurists: oranges should be balanced on one’s head, meat eating should be synchronized with trumpet blasts, pasta should be  Avoided 

Waiting with hope for Church renewal.

We begin to die the day we don’t act on things that matter.”

– Dr Martin Luther King Jnr

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The Psychology Behind Great Gift-Giving

Givers might favor the beautiful and dramatic because they think about gifts in the abstract: “What’s a good gift?” Recipients, in contrast, imagine themselves using it, and so focus more on utility. – The New York Times

And Megan’s annual kitchen gift guide