Saturday, June 23, 2018

Crypto Meltdown

It just could not happen to a nicer bunch of speculators ... 

Crypto meltdown: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, EOS, and Litecoin smashed Motley Fool

When communist keep printing credit cards ...
Credit card debt in China is $2t v. $815b in the United States.
In one study, participants chose between coffee mugs that would be customized with their names and the message “Just Better” or “Just Different.” Conservatives were 2.2 times more likely than liberals to choose the mug that signaled superiority (“Just Better”) over the one that signaled uniqueness (“Just Different”). In another study, participants could win a gift card from one of two brands as a reward for participation — Ralph Lauren, which based on our numerous pretests of consumers’ brand perceptions generally signals superiority, and Urban Outfitters, which based on our pretests generally signals uniqueness. Conservatives tended to prefer Ralph Lauren, whereas liberals tended to prefer Urban Outfitters.
— Censored John Oliver Balding (@BaldingsWorld) June 22, 2018