Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Study – Dash: data sharing made easy

“It is only those who do nothing that make no mistakes.”

Billionaire gaming mogul James Packer has broken his silence over the arrests of workers from his Crown Resorts casino business in China
In a statement released on Tuesday morning Mr Packer said that "as the major shareholder of Crown Resorts, I am deeply concerned for the welfare of those Crown employees detained in China" Mr Packer said he had sought regular updates on the issue and had "asked Crown to do everything possible to contact our employees and to support their families, as we await further details from Chinese authorities".
James Packer voices concern for Crown employees

Once upon a time different political perspectives were provided to the public by media reporting, often through their own painstaking research. If an issue gained attention, several perspectives might compete to inform and shape public opinion. It often took decades for issues to make the transition from the margin to the centre of politics. Now, within minutes of any event, announcement or media appearance, we are able to get those perspectives thousands of times instantly via social media. There are constant reactions and debates, often repeating the same arguments and information.
I’m right, you’re wrong, and here’s a link to prove it: how social media shapes public debate

Like Claudia Sahm, I was struck by polling results indicating that around half of Trump supporters completely distrust official data — although maybe a bit less surprised, since I’ve been living in that world for years Distrust of Data
  The duty to warn in the Marvel Universe -- does Luke Cage need to tell his attackers that they're about to break their hands punching him? [The Legal Geeks]

Barack Obama On Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Cars, And The Future Of Humanity
“The gods we make in our own image are tribal gods. They tell you how very, very little you should tolerate outsiders, who are less favoured of the Lord. Amazingly, there are no recorded cases of the holy man going up the mountain and finding that it’s the others who are right. It always turns out that God wants unbelievers to suffer, and what could be more noble than to help him a little? When religion rules, toleration disappears, for you cannot cherish the verdict of death to the infidels, yet also tolerate those who disagree – for those are the very same infidels…”
– Simon Blackburn, member of the Humanist Philosophers’ Group, Independent on Sunday, 2004

DalΓ­'s cookbook  /  
Dylan as Wagner  / 
 Bob Dylan, Nobelist  /  
To become a novelist  /  
Dreams and Jihadism  /  
Franklin's glass armonica  /  
Museums for MEdia Dragons 

Lee Web

Slideshare Presentation – “Repository-agnostic data curation Dash is a user-friendly data deposit and discovery platform in development by the UC Curation Center. John E. Kratz, Stephen Abrams, Shirin Faenza, Scott Fisher, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Marisa Strong, Bhavitavya Vedul.a Funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, award #58062.”

“Scholars at the ten campuses of the University of California system, like their academic peers elsewhere, increasingly are being asked to ensure that data resulting from their research and teaching activities are subject to effective long-term management, public discovery, and retrieval. The new academic imperative for research data management (RDM) stems from mandates from public and private funding agencies, pre-publication requirements, institutional policies, and evolving norms of scholarly discourse. In order to meet these new obligations, scholars need access to appropriate disciplinary and institutional tools, services, and guidance. When providing help in these areas, it is important that service providers recognize the disparity in scholarly familiarity with data curation concepts and practices. While the UC Curation Center (UC3) at the California Digital Library supports a growing roster of innovative curation services for University use, most were intended originally to meet the needs of institutional information professionals, such as librarians, archivists, and curators. In order to address the new curation concerns of individual scholars, UC3 realized that it needed to deploy new systems and services optimized for stakeholders with widely divergent experiences, expertise, and expectations. This led to the development of Dash, an online data publication service making campus data sharing easy. While Dash gives the appearance of being a full-fledged repository, in actuality it is only a lightweight overlay layer that sits on top of standards- compliant repositories, such as UC3’s existing Merritt curation repository. The Dash service offers intuitive, easy-to-use interfaces for dataset submission, description, publication, and discovery. By imposing minimal prescriptive eligibility and submission requirements; automating and hiding the mechanical details of DOI assignment, data packaging, and repository deposit; and featuring a streamlined, self-service user experience that can be integrated easily into scholarly workflows, Dash is an important new service offering with which UC scholars can meet their RDM obligations.”

The Returns to Knowledge Hierarchies [subscription req’d] Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization”> J Law Econ Organ(2016) doi:10.1093/jleo/eww008
“Hierarchies allow individuals to leverage their knowledge through others’ time. This mechanism increases productivity and amplifies the impact of skill heterogeneity on earnings inequality. This article analyzes the earnings and organization of US lawyers and uses an equilibrium model of knowledge hierarchies inspired by Garicano and Rossi-Hansberg (2006. “Organization and Inequality in a Knowledge Economy,” 121 Quarterly Journal of Economics 1383–436) to assess how much lawyers’ productivity and the distribution of earnings across lawyers reflects lawyers’ ability to organize problem-solving hierarchically. Our estimates imply that hierarchical production leads to at least a 30% increase in productivity in this industry, relative to a situation where lawyers within the same office do not “vertically specialize.” We further find that it amplifies earnings inequality, mostly by increasing the earnings of the very highest percentile lawyers in business and litigation-related segments.”

“OMG did you see Snapchat’s new feature? OMG Instagram is totally copying Snapchat? Did you see Zuck’s live townhall? OMG did you see what Elon Musk tweeted? OMG Uber raised another round!” F***  that. Nobody cares.
Start-up world