"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without."
— Confucius, attrib
We feel like parents today in that we are welcoming a new member to borderless blogging family bunch . Please give a round of applause to Brett Connors ...Thank you
As most readers are aware, Blogger.com is part of the GOOGLE family of websites and Brett has joined today the virtual platform in order to share positive parenthood stories.
Being A Dad (the Blog is still the work in progress ...)
Prior to 20 October 1973 the Opera House was also work in progress ...
Dads and fathers have come a long way since the days when they were distant authority figures. Young dads are showing their determination to outdo their own fathers, by seizing on the role with energy and enthusiasm.
Peter West: "Traditionally, fathers were breadwinners and disciplinarians. Fathers taught their sons how to play football and encouraged their children to “buy a block of land”. I’ve been researching fatherhood for 25 years and, in the past, the traditional role of the father was manifest. But this is changing substantially." How Fatherhood is Changing For the Better ...
Inner Circle of Dads
Dad blog reading list
The stainglass ceiling of the Old NSW Parliamentary Library where Buz Luhrman and Jozef Imrich used to fetch The House of Commons and Lords Hansard (circa 1980s ...)
Motto engraved in the stsinglass states: "Knowledge is the mother of wisdom and virtue"
CODA: In an antisocial organization, there are always good guys and bad guys, but the bad guys might well be considered good guys but the rest of the world. The enemy to the ethically challenged is anyone who tries to stop them from doing whatever they want. Another us and them is the organization and the customers and investors it freely exploits to make money. Yet another us and them divide is between upper management and the people in the rest of the organization whose role is to shut up and keep moving product out the door. Antisocial Organizations Are Like Crime Families by DR. RICK KIRSCHNER on JULY 1, 201