Why so many of America’s sushi restaurants are owned by Chinese immigrants. If you guessed “because the markup is better than on Chinese food,” well, you got it right
What If All The Poor People Were Gone?
Selected Tweets from @SamuelBBeckett:
Beckett’s most quoted line fits comfortably into a single tweet with 69 characters to spare—perhaps one of the reasons it’s tweeted almost every hour of every day. Taken from an experimental late prose work, Worstward Ho, “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.” has taken on a life of its own. The line is often interpreted as an inspirational slogan, although calling it an anti-inspirational slogan might be closer to the mark. Either way, it succinctly captures Beckett’s restless persistence in the face of uncertainty and difficulty, something that clearly resonates with a large number of people.
Election Day in the United States of America is the Tuesday following the first Monday in November. It can fall on or between November 2 and November 8. The earliest possible date is November 2, and the latest possible date is November 8 - as it will be for the 2016 election. For federal offices (President, Vice President, and United States Congress), Election Day occurs only in even-numbered years. It is the day when popular ballots are held to select public officials
American Lawyer, Trump's Returns: A Tax Lawyer's Rebuttal
- Bloomberg, Buffett Just Released His Own Tax Data to Hammer Trump
- Bloomberg, Clinton Proposes Bigger Tax Credit for Parents of Young Children
- Bloomberg, Trump’s Tax Plan Seen Turning Employees Into Contractors
- Buffett Press Release, Some Tax Facts for Donald Trump
- Cato at Liberty, Ending the Tax Breaks for Real Estate
- CNN, Warren Buffett to Trump: 'I Have Paid Federal Income Tax Every Year Since 1944'
- Forbes, Donald Trump's Deep Love Of Tax Depreciation - An Affair To Remember
- Forbes, Fact Checking Trump's Tax Claim: Clinton Would Not 'Raise Everyone's Taxes Massively'
- Forbes, Trump Tax Plan Would Add Trillions To Debt; Clinton Plan Would Trim Deficits, Hike Taxes On Wealthy
- Forbes, Warren Buffett Gave Away 75% Of Donald Trump's Net Worth In 2015, Offers Facts On Taxes
- New York Times, Buffett Calls Trump’s Bluff and Releases His Tax Data
- New York Times, What Donald Trump’s Big Tax Break Might Buy
- New York Times, The White House Rule: No Tax Returns, No Job
- Quartz, It’s Possible to “Pay Federal Tax” Like Donald Trump Says and Not Pay Federal Personal Income Taxes
- Steven Rosenthal (TaxVox), Did Donald Trump Take Advantage of the Gingrich-Edwards Payroll Tax Loophole?
- Salon, Robert Reich: Donald Trump’s Tax Dodge Hides the Real Scandal of Why These Loopholes Exist in the First Place
- Tax Policy Center, An Analysis of Donald Trump's Revised Tax Plan
- Tax Policy Center, Updated Analysis of Hillary Clinton's Tax Proposals
- Eric Toder (TaxVox), Trump’s Phony Claim about Carried Interest
- Vox, Donald Trump’s New Tax Plan Is Even More Tilted Toward the Rich Than His Old One
- Wall Street Journal, Buffett Parries Trump by Releasing Some Tax Information
- Wall Street Journal, Donald Trump Says the U.S. Is a High-Tax Country. He’s Wrong. So What?
- Wall Street Journal, Hillary Clinton Proposes a New Tax Break
- Wall Street Journal, Presidential Candidates’ Plans Would Carry Tax Code in Different Directions
- Washington Post, By 2025, Most of Donald Trump’s Tax cCts Would Go to the Wealthiest 1% of Americans
- Washington Post, The Clever Move Donald Trump Makes When Asked Whether He Would Really Raise Taxes on the Rich
- Washington Post, Hillary Clinton Proposes Another Middle-Class Tax Cut, But Not a Cut in Rates
- Washington Post, The One Tax Break That Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Agree On