Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Most journalists bloggers do not tell the story straight. Self-importance prevent them from having the obvious, visceral, personal reaction that our leaders deserves. They do not write what they see. They write what they think they’re supposed to see, what they are told to see, what the media owners folks want them to see. . .
We are just trying to extract some news from an event where there is not any. We knew that the Globe was going to give it a big blow job.
If I produced a newspaper as boring as the Globe, I’d kill myself.

The Blog, The Press, The Media: Bloggers were at DNC to give mainstream reporters a story
That's Andrew Ferguson's thinking:
I noticed something curious in the convention blogs, during those jam-packed few hours before I stopped reading them altogether. If there was a common thread running through them it was a casual mention by the blogger of being interviewed by mainstream journalists. ... And as these convention-blogger stories piled up in the establishment press -- there were several dozens of them by midweek -- the real purpose of inviting bloggers to the convention suddenly became clear: They were there to be interviewed.
Stopping Reading Altogether Now! [More convention-related stories: Art of political blog came out of DNC with plenty of momentum (NYT); SacBee ombud gives paper credit for Heinz Kerry quote restraint (SB); Oregonian readers suggest ways to improve convention coverage (Oreg.); Convention helps Boston Globe website hit record numbers (USA Today); Why Fox News didn't interrupt "Factor" for Gore's convention speech (WP); Cox: I feel like I know less about politics than I did pre-DNC (; Critic missed authority that network anchor brings to convention (NYT); Papers have more responsibilty now that TV shuns conventions (Sun); Rivard: Conventions still matter even with political choreography (SAE-N)]
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